Two questions on Bible Books Explorer

This is a nice tool with lots of potential!
(1) Is there any way to include other books of Bibles used in other denominations, like Orthodox, Catholic, etc.? For example, it would be great to see the Maccabees books linked in.
(2) See picture below - it's easy in a corpus to see for example, how many lemmas are used only once in Pauline letters. I don't see a way to find out what those lemmas actually are though, which would make this very useful. Am I missing something?
Pater Noster said:
(1) Is there any way to include other books of Bibles used in other denominations, like Orthodox, Catholic, etc.? For example, it would be great to see the Maccabees books linked in.
Mine shows an 87 book canon with the NRSV as my preferred translation. What did you do to truncate your canon?[;)]
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Pater Noster said:
... about the second question - can I find out what the lemmas used only once in Paul's Epistles are, any way to click to a search yet? That would be awesome.
There's not a way to do that in Bible Books Explorer, but you can with Concordance:
- Open
- Use a Bible with a reverse interlinear, or SBLGNT
- Set the type to Lemma
- Set the range to Pauline Epistles
- Select Count as the display
- Refine the count as "1 to 1"
That should produce something like this:
(I was surprised there are so many hapax legomena in the Paulines!)
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Thanks Sean. I tried the Concordance - I can't even read the left hand side. I tried different scaling from the slider on the right side, that didn't help. Maybe this is a Dark Mode problem or something else?
So using your image, you had 1,132 legomena (actually mine above shows 1,235, you can read that). But from the Bible Books Explorer, it's much less - I count 594. Why would that be?
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Pater Noster said:
So using your image, you had 1,132 legomena (actually mine above shows 1,235, you can read that). But from the Bible Books Explorer, it's much less - I count 594. Why would that be?
I believe they are showing different things.
The Concordance, with the constraint to just use the Pauline Epistles, is showing how many words occur just once in those letters
The Bible Book Explorer is showing words that appear in each of the Pauline Epistles that are only present once in the entire New Testament.
For example, adelphe (sister) appears just once in Philemon so would appear in the Concordance Tool if just constrained to that book but occurs 25 times in the New Testament, so would not show in BBE
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Ah. Thanks Graham. Just so I understand, so there isn't then a way to find the unique lemmas across the range (ie Pastoral Epistles) - they are counted in the Bible Books Explorer but not available to examine in any tool I assume then.
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Pater Noster said:
Just so I understand, so there isn't then a way to find the unique lemmas across the range (ie Pastoral Epistles)
At the moment I'm afraid that is the case - to the best of my knowledge anyway.
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Pater Noster said:
Just so I understand, so there isn't then a way to find the unique lemmas across the range (ie Pastoral Epistles) - they are counted in the Bible Books Explorer but not available to examine in any tool I assume then.
"Find" and "examine" are two different things. I think the "find" portion should be possible by running the concordance accross that range for a reverse-interlinear bible (like NIV or LEB) or better a Greek NT. Alternatively you can have Logos build a WordList document for that range from a Greek NT, which will have the lemma count as well.
Regarding the "examine" I'm not sure what you intend to do with this information.
Have joy in the Lord!