Faktenbuch - Schlüsselstelle - Sprache einstellen

Weiß evtl. jemand, wie ich die Sprache im Faktenbuch in der Schlüsselstelle ändern kann?
Würde die gerne in Deutsch haben wie der Rest auch. Siehe hier. Logoss
Frank: I apologize for not speaking German, but i think i've gotten the gist from Google Translate. It looks like your Bible text is in Portuguese rather than German.
Is it possible that you've selected a Portuguese Bible as your preferred Bible? In any event, in the desktop app you should be able to type something like "set preferred bible to <title>" to choose a different Bible. I don't know if that phrase needs to be in English or German, and my experience has been that the Bible is identified by title (not abbreviation).
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Dear Sean,
thanks for this important hint. I have found a video which explains the "set preferred ..." issue.
And this helped a lot. Indeed, I am using Logos just since some days and therefore I have to figure out a lot.
I had no standard Bible set before, there was nothing. I have 3 languages on Logos and this might cause the confusion. Logos simply picked one…?
Thanks a lot Sean!
Maybe you have a tip for me, how I can synchronize two Bibles when I scroll, in order that both Bibles doing the same scrolling parallel? If this is doable?
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Frank Eckardt said:
synchronize two Bibles when I scroll, in order that both Bibles doing the same scrolling parallel? If this is doable?
Hallo Frank,
das geht mit dem Link-Set - du stellst denselben Buchstaben bei beiden Bibeln ein:
(aus dem Panel-Menu rechts oben die drei vertikalen Punkte pro Tab)
Have joy in the Lord!
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Danke Dir Mick. Das war genau das was ich gesucht hatte!!!
Vielen Dank!!