Jumping windows

Kee Lau
Kee Lau Member Posts: 78 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am using Logos 9. When I have non-floating windows open and floating windows open, and when I am reading in the latter (floating windows), it frequently jumps back to the non-floating windows, and thus my reading is interrupted. This is also the same problem of another Logos-user who posted 2 months ago. Yet it seems that none have come to help so far. Please help. Thanks.



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Theo Lau said:

    This is also the same problem of another Logos-user who posted 2 months ago.


    Theo Lau said:

    Yet it seems that none have come to help so far. Please help.

    Please post logs. See my signature line. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Theo Lau said:

    When I have non-floating windows open and floating windows open, and when I am reading in the latter (floating windows), it frequently jumps back to the non-floating windows, and thus my reading is interrupted.

    Welome [:D]

    Screen shot(s) showing focus change should help others reproduce this issue. Logos Wiki Using the Forums includes:

    Theo Lau said:

    I am using Logos 9.

    Curious about versions of Logos 9 and operating system ?

    FYI: currently am reading several resources in floating windows using Logos 9.2 RC 2 on macOS Big Sur 11.1 that has not experienced focus change recently (so not know if issue is fixed OR my current usage style is avoiding issue).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭

    I have layouts with floating windows in them and use them all the time on my pc.  I have not seen the issue Theo Lau described.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,593

    xnman said:

    I have layouts with floating windows in them and use them all the time on my pc.  I have not seen the issue Theo Lau described.

    Nor have I seen this bug appear with Mac OS 11.0.1 and any version of Logos.

  • Replicated Sync arrow color changing Bug that changes window focus using Logos 9.3 Beta 2 on macOS Big Sur 11.1 (with some memory pressure)

    • Open Bible Sense Lexicon (BSL) in a floating window
    • In main Logos Bible Software window, wait for sync to complete (arrows go dark)
    • Click BSL in floating window (or Right Click sense => Bible Sense Lexicon)
    • Focus changes back to main Logos Bible Software window as sync arrows change color to grey (show sync pending & spinning beach ball)
    • Click BSL in floating window allows focus to remain in BSL (so can type in a Sense)

    FYI: Logos.log file did not have any window focus messages, but did have sync client messages (location/milestone) so repeated click causing focus change and watched sync arrows. Activity Monitor showed some Memory swap used (5.8 GB) plus 2.23 GB compressed (so had some memory usage pressure, which showed as spinning beach ball cursor in Logos 9)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Kee Lau
    Kee Lau Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Keep Smiling Smile wrote: "(so not know if issue is fixed OR my current usage style is avoiding issue)".

    Sorry for my low-tech knowledge and being unfamiliar with Logos forum. Anyway, are you telling me how to fix the problem (I am using Windows 10)? If yes, please show me step by step. Or, you think it is a bug that cannot be fixed? Thanks. 

  • Theo Lau said:

    Keep Smiling Smile wrote: "(so not know if issue is fixed OR my current usage style is avoiding issue)".

    About 11 days ago, did not know how to cause annoying focus change between windows while yesterday & today have sometimes experienced annoying focus jumping (working on a set of six visual filters having some complex searches).

    Theo Lau said:

    I am using Logos 9. When I have non-floating windows open and floating windows open, and when I am reading in the latter (floating windows), it frequently jumps back to the non-floating windows, and thus my reading is interrupted.

    Appreciate annoyance being simply described (while wishing for more detail so could try to repeat annoyance). Screen shots showing what's open and focus changing would allow other users to try repeating focus jumping issue. From iMac annoyance jumping, would include looking at sync arrows in the main window (near top right corner):

    Note: fewer tabs open in windows that have reproducible focus annoyance bugginess would be helpful. Personal speed tip learned from Morris Proctor and forum discussions is having less open causes quicker responsiveness (while knowing how to quickly open more as desired).

    FYI: reducing number of open tabs in web browser(s) reduced my memory usage. Restarting my 27" iMac reset memory usage (pressure). While modifying highlighting palette for six visual filters in Dark Mode (trying different Inductive 5 W's & H styling), did experience focus jumping so much that closing the one floating window (Bible Sense Lexicon) helped (followed shortly by restarting Logos 9.3 Beta 2 in Light Mode).

    Theo Lau said:

    Anyway, are you telling me how to fix the problem (I am using Windows 10)? ... Or, you think it is a bug that cannot be fixed?

    If syncing of location change in resource(s) is symptomatic for focus jumping on Windows 10 (same symptom as focus jumping on macOS Big Sur 11.2), then something to try is changing Program Settings for Use Internet from Yes to No followed by restarting Logos 9. Changing Use Internet to No causes location sync changes to be stored on local computer, but waits for Use Internet to be Yes (& network connection) for syncing changes with Faithlife servers.

    Without how to steps for repeating window focus changes, Faithlife cannot duplicate buggy behavior (so frustration is noted while not knowing how to repeat/investigate for fixing bugginess).

    Keep Smiling [:)]