Verbum Tip 5h: Bible Search -- search fields

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Answer: Homework: Search 14
Find all mentions of adultery in the ethical decalogue.
No result? Searches often fail because human memory fails. The commandments use the term “covet” making adultery implicitly but not explicitly mentioned.
Answer: Homework: Search 15
Find all mentions of altars in the Priestly code.
But shouldn’t one use <sense nnnn>? Yes, one needs to be aware of precisely what you asked of the search, but here it makes no difference.
Bible Search – limiting by field
From Verbum Help:
[quote]Search Fields
Limit a search by particular search text that is marked with one of these fields by adding one of these field names before the search term with a colon. (E.g. author:Newman only finds the search term "Newman" when it is in text marked with the “Author” field.)
• abbreviated — Morphology specifies use of an abbreviated form (used only with various numerals).
• abbrevpop — The text of the pop-up indicator for an abbreviation, and the text of the abbreviation pop-up itself.
• add — Text denoted by a symbol indicating insertions.
• addmean — Additional phases of meaning included in the original word, phrase, or clause of the original language.
• addtext — Is either familiar passages not adequately supported by the original manuscripts or words not appearing in the original language added to connect meaning for English readers.
• aeolic — Morphology specifies use of the Aeolic dialect.
• ambiguous — Ambiguous morphological form of a word. Ambiguous form implies no preferred form for the current word.
• apocopated — Morphology specifies use of an apocopated form.
• apparatus — Entries from the textual apparatus and the segmentation apparatus.
• appindic — The text of an apparatus indicator, and the apparatus note itself if that note is a popup.
• artauthor — The author of an article or review, rather than the author of a work under review.
• attic — Morphology specifies use of the Attic dialect.
• author — Authors cited or discussed.
• base — Stem form.
• bhsform — The text of the Hebrew Bible as written in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (when it differs from the text to be read).
• bible — The actual text of the Bible verses, without introductions, headings, etc.
• bull — Text denoted by a symbol indicating orthographic (spelling) variants.
• chufat — Church Fathers.
• citation — Citation.
• city — A city name.
• clrfywrds — Justified clarifying words or comments not actually expressed in the immediate original text, as well as definitions of Hebrew and Greek names.
• code-example — Examples of program code, typically occurring in documentation resources.
• collection — Collection title.
• colon — Text indicating variant punctuation.
• color — Liturgical color.
• comment — Descriptions and comments concerning the translated manuscript or inscription.
• content — The text of the original content of this resource, without headings, translators’ notes, etc.
• contributor — A contributor to a song, such as the lyricist or composer.
• copyright — Copyright information for an image or media element.
• crasis — Morphological form when two words merge together to form a crasis or conjunction.
• credit — Credit information for an image or media element.
• crossref — The text of the pop-up indicator for a cross-reference, and the text of the reference itself.
• date — A calendar date.
• dateofpub — Date published.
• day — The title of a day, such as a Sunday or feast day, in a liturgical calendar.
• description — The description of an object, usually an image or media element.
• dewey — Dewey Decimal Number.
• disputed-passage — Text that is disputed, especially concerning its authenticity or its inclusion a particular corpus.
• dynasty — The dynasty in which the manuscript or inscription was composed.
• earlyver — Early versions.
• editions — Editions.
• editor — Editor.
• emend — The word or words are a textual emendation.
• etymology — Descriptions of the linguistic history and development of a particular word or phrase.
• extdef — Extended definition of a given lemma.
• fath — Church Fathers.
• footnote — Text that appears in a footnote.
• form — Manuscript form of an interlinear word.
• formeq — A formal equivalent or gloss of a given lemma.
• generalnote — The text of the pop-up indicator for a note, and the text of the note itself.
• gloss — In a dictionary of lexicon, a brief explanation or definition of a word or phrase.
• heading — The text of book, chapter, and pericope headings.
• headtitle — The text of book, chapter and pericope headings.
• id — The ID of a song in a collection.
• inflected — Inflected form.
• inv — In volume.
• irregular — Morphology specifies use of an irregular form.
• isbn — ISBN Number.
• issn — ISSN Number.
• ketiv — The text of the Hebrew Bible that is written when it differs from the text to be read.
• language — Language.
• largetext — Allows search of headings and such.
• later-addition — Text that is considered to be a later addition to earlier manuscripts.
• latin — Latin manuscript.
• lect — Lectionary manuscript.
• lectionaries — Lectionaries.
• lemma — Text that appears in its dictionary form.
• lexeme — Lexical form.
• lexval — Translation of a lexical form of a word.
• literal — Literal translation of an ancient language word or phrase.
• livre — Publication title.
• livretype — Publication type.
• lmanu — Latin manuscript.
• location — The location of the manuscript or inscription.
• lxx — Text of the Septuagint Greek Old Testament.
• lyrics — The lyrics of a song.
• mainline — The reading selected by the editors as the main line in places where variant readings exist.
• middle-significance — Morphology specifies use of a form with middle significance.
• mini — Miniscule manuscript.
• miniscules — Miniscules.
• modernized — Modernized spellings of the original text.
• modlang — Modern language translation of the Greek New Testament cited in Discourse Segmentation Apparatus.
• morphcode — Morphological code derived from the SEDRA 3 database.
• mscule — Miniscule manuscript.
• mt — Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Old Testament.
• negapp — Apparatus entries with readings that vary from the text proper.
• nothing — Text that is purely informational and does not contain an apparatus indicator as such.
• omit — Text denoted by symbols indicating omissions, either single words or groups of words.
• original — John Knox’s original text, as spelled in eighteenth-century Scottish.
• ot-quote — Text from the Old Testament Bible quoted in the New Testament.
• pages — Pages.
• papy — Papyrus manuscript.
• paralleltitle — Parallel title.
• part-of-speech — Grammatical part of speech designation for a dictionary of lexicon headword.
• particle-attached — Morphology specifies use of a form with a particle attached (with relative pronoun).
• periodical — Periodical title.
• pernote — Text that appears in a pericope note.
• pmt — The primary morphological tag for a given word.
• possapp — Apparatus entries that support the reading found in the text proper.
• primary-reading — Tischendorf’s Primary Reading.
• pronunciation — Text which details the exact phonetic pronunciation of a particular word or phrase.
• prosody — Prosodial remarks.
• qere — The text of the Hebrew Bible that is to be read when it differs from the text that was written.
• ran — Text denoted by symbols indicating replacements (being either single words or groups of words).
• rauthor — The author of a review rather than the author of the work under review.
• reading — A Scripture reading in a lectionary.
• reconst — Theoretical reconstruction of the Hebrew source document for the Septuagint Greek Old Testament.
• reflex — Inflected form of a given word associated with its lemma for lookup purposes.
• region — A country or tribal area or some other generic geographic region.
• review — The title of the work under review.
• root — The root form.
• rtitle — The title of the work under review.
• season — A liturgical season such as Advent or Easter.
• standards — Text that should be interpreted as a standard to be followed. (E.g. a markup standard or a visual standard)
• subtitle — Subtitle.
• supp — The word or words are supplied for sake of clearness.
• surface — Text that is visible using default view settings; in interlinears, the top line using default view settings.
• tag — Tags for an image or media element.
• title — The title of an object, usually an image or media element.
• topic — Topics.
• topiclevel — Topic level.
• totalpages — Total number of pages.
• trans — Text denoted by symbols indicating transpositions.
• transeq — Suggested translation equivalent of a Greek quotation.
• transitive — Morphology specifies use of a transitive form.
• translation — Listings of how an ancient language word is translated in other documents.
• transnote — The text of the pop-up indicator for a translator’s note, and the text of the note itself.
• tune — The tune of a song.
• txt — The list of witnesses supporting the text of this edition. It always occurs as the last member of a group of readings or variation unit.
• uncial — Uncial manuscript.
• uncials — Uncials.
• used-as — Instances where a morphological form is being used for a different function than the actual form. (E.g. nominative “used as” vocative)
• variant — Variant morphological form of a word.
• varline — A variant reading.
• varunit — A unit that is treated as a variation unit within the apparatus.
• ver — Early versions.
• versions — Version.
• words-of-christ — Text considered to be the words of Christ, traditionally the “red-letter” text.
• xrefs — Cross references.
• year — Lectionary year.
Language fields
• aramaic — Aramaic, spelled with Hebrew square characters. Use syriac for later alphabets.
• chinese — Chinese, simplified and traditional.
• coptic — Coptic.
• czech — Czech.
• dutch — Dutch.
• english — English.
• french — French.
• german — German.
• greek — Greek.
• hebrew — Hebrew.
• italian — Italian.
• latin — Latin.
• portuguese — Portuguese.
• translit — Transliterated characters, that is, non-Roman languages spelled with Roman characters.
• spanish — Spanish.
• syriac — Syriac.[1]
While this list is sufficient for most Basic Searches, there are additional values that are used in Bibles. In my library, Bible have the following fields determined by:
- Create a Bible search
- Select all Bibles (type:Bible)
- Select all passages
- Open drop down field selection menu – it shows only fields available in my library for Bibles.
List of Bible fields
Field |
Abbreviation |
Definition |
Language |
Example Bible |
Abbreviated Form |
abbreviated |
Morphology specifies use of an abbreviated form (used only with various numerals). |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Abbreviation Pop-up |
abbrevpop |
The text of the pop-up indicator for an abbreviation, and the text of the abbreviation pop-up itself |
Y |
Additional Meaning |
addmean |
Additional phrases of meaning included in the original word, phrase, or clause of the original language. |
Additional Text |
addtext |
Either: familiar passages not adequatedly supported by the original manuscripts or words not appearing in the original language added to connect meaning for English readers. |
Aeolic Greek |
aeolic |
Morphology specifies use of the Aeolic dialect. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Ambiguous Text |
ambiguous |
Ambiguous morphological form of a word. Ambiguous form implies no preferred form for the current word. |
Greek |
Apocopated Form |
apocopated |
Morphology specifies use of an apocopated form. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Apparatus Indicator |
appindic |
The text of an apparatus indicator, the apparatus note itself if that note is a pop-up. |
Hebrew |
Attached Particle Form |
Morphology specifies use of a form with a particle attached (with relative pronoun). |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Attic Greek |
attic |
Morphology specifies use of the Attic dialect. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Author |
author |
The author of an article or other section in a book or journal. |
BHS Form |
bhsform |
The text of the Hebrew Bible as written in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (when it differs from the text to be read). |
Hebrew |
Bible Text |
bible |
The actual text of the Bible verses, without introductions, headings, etc. |
Chapter Number |
The numbers or letters used to denote the start of a new chapter. |
Geneva |
Clarifying Words |
clrfywrds |
Justified clarifying words or comments not actually expressed in the immediate original text, as well as definitions of Hebrew and Greek names. |
Crasis |
crasis |
Morphological form when two words merge together to forma crasis or conjunction. |
Greek |
Credit |
credit |
Credit information for an image or media element. |
Cross Reference |
crossref |
The text of the pop-up indicator for a cross-reference, and the text of the reference itself. |
Disputed Passage |
disputed-passage |
Text that is disputer, especially concerning its authenticity or its inclusion in a particular corpus. |
Greek |
Emendation |
emend |
The word or words are a textual emendation. |
Footnote Text |
footnote |
Text that appears in a footnote |
General Note |
generalnote |
The text of the pop-up indicator for a note, and the text of the note itself. |
Gloss Text |
gloss |
In a dictionary or lexicon, a brief explanation or definition of a word of phrase. |
Heading Text |
heading; |
The text of book, chapter, and pericope headings |
Irregular Form |
irregular |
Morphology specifies use of an irregular form. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Kethiv Text |
ketiv |
The text of the Hebrew Bible that is written when it differs from the text to be read. |
Hebrew |
Large Text |
largetext |
Large text. |
Later Textual Addition |
later-addition |
Text that is considered to be a later addition to earlier manuscripts. |
Greek |
Lemma Text |
lemma |
Text that appears in its dictionary form. |
Hebrew |
Lexical Value |
lexval |
Translation of a lexical form of a word |
Greek |
Literal Translation |
literal |
Literal translation of an ancient language word or phrase |
Greek |
USB4 Int. |
Main Text Line |
mainline |
The reading selected by the editors as the main line in places where variant readings exist. |
Aramaic |
TgEsth1 |
Manuscript Form |
Manuscript form of an interlinear word. |
Hebrew |
Masoretic Text |
mt |
Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Old Testament |
Hebrew |
LXX/MT Parallel |
Middle Significance Form |
middle-significance |
Morphology specifies use of a form with middle significance. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Morph Code |
morphcode |
Morphological code derived from the SEDRA 3 database |
Syriac |
Peshitta |
Negative Apparatus Text |
negapp |
Apparatus entries with readings that vary from the text proper. |
Greek |
OT Quotation |
ot-quote |
Test from the Old Testament quoted in the New Testament |
Greek |
Paragraph Marks |
The paragraph marks petuha and setuma as well as the inverted nun. |
Hebrew |
Part of Speech |
part-of-speech |
Grammatical part of speech designation for a dictionary or lexicon headword. |
AV |
Positive Apparatus Text |
possapp |
Apparatus entries that support the reading found in the text proper. |
Greek |
Primary Morph |
pmt |
The primary morphological tag for a given word. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Qere Text |
qere |
The text of the Hebrew Bible that is to be read when it differs from the text that was written. |
Hebrew |
Reconstruction |
reconst |
Theoretical reconstruction of the Hebrew source document for the Septuagint Greek Old Testament. |
Hebrew |
LXX/MT Parallel |
Root Form |
root |
The root form |
Syriac |
Peshitta |
Septuagint |
lxx |
Text of the Septuagint |
Greek |
LXX/MT Parallel |
Stem Form |
Stem Form |
LUT84 |
Supplementary Material |
supp |
The word or words are supplied for the sake of clearness |
Surface Text |
surface |
Text that is visible using default view settings; in interlinears, the top line using default view settings |
Tag |
tag |
Tags for an image or media element |
Title |
title |
The title of an object, usually an image or media element |
Transitive Form |
transitive |
Morphology specifies use of a transitive form. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Translator’s Note |
transnote |
The text of the pop-up indicator for a translator’s note, and the text of the note itself. |
Uncial Greek |
uncial |
Uncial Manuscript |
Greek |
NA28 GBS |
Used As |
used-as |
Instances where a morphological form is being used for a different function that the actual form; eg., Nominative “used as” Vocative |
Greek |
Variant Reading |
variant |
Variant morphological form of a word. A variant form implies that the primary or first-listed form for the current word is preferred to the variant. |
Greek |
Elzevir |
Variant Text Line |
varline |
A variant reading |
Aramaic |
FrTgP |
Variation Unit |
varunit |
A unit that is treated as a variation unit within the apparatus |
Greek |
Verse Number |
The numbers or letters used to denote the start of a new verse. |
Words of Christ |
words-of-christ |
Text considered to be the Words of Christ, traditionally the “red-letter” text. |
How to know what fields apply to what resource.
- Open the Information Panel for a resource:
- In the Panel Menu, select Information
- In the Library Menu, select Information (circled i)
- Expand Search Fields section
Search with fields.
Search 16: Find where Jesus says “arise” using the field notation for Word of Christ.
Note the results are the same whether I constraint the entire search via the drop-down menu or constraint only the search term “arise”.
These are the same results as one gets by going through the template “A person speaks about something.”
Search 17: Find English Bibles that have Ps 4:8 used as a cross-reference.
The resources were set to a temporary collection using the rule “type:Bible lang:English”. The mouse over shows how verse mapping allows Ps 4:8 to be matched to Ps 4:9 in translations that count the heading as a verse.
Search 18: Find pericope headings in the NRSV that mention Abraham.
Again, either method of restricting by the field works. Here I had to switch to a Basic search to get results.
No homework. Practice based on your own interests.
[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
I can't set my Bible search search field to "cross reference" - I must be missing something(?).
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Karl Fritz Jr. said:
I can't set my Bible search search field to "cross reference" - I must be missing something(?).
I don't believe this is selectable in Bible Search, just in Basic Search
But a Bible search will find cross references automatically (from version 9.2 upwards)
I think this does need some clarification - probably from Failthlife - but hopefully MJ will comment as well.
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Graham Criddle said:Karl Fritz Jr. said:
I can't set my Bible search search field to "cross reference" - I must be missing something(?).
I don't believe this is selectable in Bible Search, just in Basic Search
My example is on a Bible search but note that only 16 Bibles yielded results. If a search field is not in your dropdown menu, then it is not available in the resources you are searching. If you have a Bible that shows cross reference in the information panel under search fields, you should be able to enter it. If you aren't, get back to us... there's a problem.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
If you have a Bible that shows cross reference in the information panel under search fields, you should be able to enter it. If you aren't, get back to us... there's a problem.
I don't see them in Bible Search with the NET Bible
I do with a Basic Search
Are you sure we should expect to see these in a Bible search?
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Thank you Graham - there is something seriously off here. If you look at my original post and note the orange line, I posted a Bible Search. We seem to have inconsistent behavior with the field.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Thank you Graham - there is something seriously off here. If you look at my original post and note the orange line, I posted a Bible Search. We seem to have inconsistent behavior with the field.
Fair point, I missed that - apologies.
I see you are running your search against a lot of Bibles, I used just NET. I can’t check at the moment, do you still get the options with just that one version selected?
And I note you are running Verbum whereas I am using Logos - I would be amazed / concerned if that made a difference here though!
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I think you are on to something ... I don't get the option when I run just NET or just NRSV. But my results are the same whether I run Bible or Basic.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Bible Search – limiting by field
From Verbum Help:
Search Fields
Unfortunately, Verbum/Logos Help do not specify which fields work with Bible Search and which work with Basic Search. But you can find out by using Bible Search/Basic Search in the desktop app e.g. Negative Apparatus Text appears only for Basic Search, so don't be surprised when you get zero results with negapp:γὰρ in a Bible Search of SBLGNT.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Graham Criddle said:MJ. Smith said:
Thank you Graham - there is something seriously off here. If you look at my original post and note the orange line, I posted a Bible Search. We seem to have inconsistent behavior with the field.
Fair point, I missed that - apologies.
I see you are running your search against a lot of Bibles, I used just NET. I can’t check at the moment, do you still get the options with just that one version selected?
And I note you are running Verbum whereas I am using Logos - I would be amazed / concerned if that made a difference here though!
Faithlife blurred the line between Bible and Basic Search when they allowed a cross-reference search in Bible Search i.e. you could search for a passage like <Mk 2> in Bible Search without specifying the Cross Reference Search Field. Now, I can't get that field under Bible Search in either Logos or Verbum, but I don't need it!
It is applied as a Cross Reference field search, but some bibles include them in Footnote Text, whilst others keep them separate.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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When I do a Bible search in 'All Bibles' (my library says I have 323, including the ones mentioned in this post, it automatically searches my cross references. But when I look for Cross Reference as a search field, it's no where to be found, as it you've been able to find it.
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Karl Fritz Jr. said:
When I do a Bible search in 'All Bibles' (my library says I have 323, including the ones mentioned in this post, it automatically searches my cross references. But when I look for Cross Reference as a search field, it's no where to be found, as it you've been able to find it.
I'm still trying to sort out with Andrew and Dave why we are getting inconsistent results. I am convinced that the rules for what appears in the drop-down list are less simple than I was taught.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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You show 613 resources with type Bible - I have 803 (which seems rather a lot) but still don't see the Cross Reference option in a Bible Search.
Running the same search you did above I get results from 18 resources, not the 19 you show
I was assuming that the one additional result you got was due to a Bible that did expose Cross Reference as a search field option - and the other results were appearing to the cross reference search included as standard in Bibles from Logos 9.2
The one missing in my results compared with yours is the New Jerusalem Bible. I have that resource but it does not appear in the search results and when I run a Bible Search on it it doesn't give me the Cross Reference dropdown option in search fields.
So it seems the NJB you have is different to mine - my support info is below:
Do you have and, if so, is this appearing as NJB in the search results? Does it expose the Cross Reference search field in the Bible Search dropdown?
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Karl Fritz Jr. said:
When I do a Bible search in 'All Bibles' (my library says I have 323, including the ones mentioned in this post, it automatically searches my cross references. But when I look for Cross Reference as a search field, it's no where to be found, as it you've been able to find it.
The result is not important as my "English Bibles" collection is bound to be different to your "All bibles". This search is made possible by Faithlife as they arbitrarily (IMHO) decided that we could search for bible references in Bible Search (it was not possible previously because cross-references are not part of Bible Text, unlike lemmas, morphology, etc. which are directly associated with the words in bible text).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Graham Criddle said:
Do you have and, if so, is this appearing as NJB in the search results? Does it expose the Cross Reference search field in the Bible Search dropdown?
I have both NJB's: You are correct that it is the one released with the notes that has cross-reference exposed.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Graham Criddle said:
You show 613 resources with type Bible - I have 803 (which seems rather a lot) but still don't see the Cross Reference option in a Bible Search.
Verified Cross Reference is a Bible Search option in my Library (using Logos 9.3 Beta 1 on macOS Big Sur), which finds <ps4.8> in 26 resources:
Keep Smiling [:)]