Logos 9 cancelation of software d/l for Windows 7...

Howdy y'all.
Because of the time limit for sale prices, I just purchased the Logos Full Features upgrade and then Bronze before trying to reinstall Windows 10 on my main computer.
I am using my Windows 7 laptop currently for the Internet.
My Logos 8 on the laptop now shows a 1.3 GB download available. My fear is that this download will include the new Logos 9, and therefore I won't download it.
Someone gave me instructions on a line to type to disable downloads of software upgrades, and only allow downloads of books that would fit the Logos 8 on Windows 7 format. That has been working until now.
Is there a new line of code or instruction, starting with "Set," that can be used to prevent the download of Logos 9 onto a Windows 7 machine?
Also, and forgive me, but what is that link, again, to instructions for how to move your Logos library from one computer to another so you don't have to download your entire library from the Internet on each new machine that you install the software on? I presume it works the same for Logos 9 as for Logos 8.
Thanks a million, y'all, for your time.
Paul L. White, satisfied Logos customer since 1.6
PS Am I presuming correctly that the Windows 10 upgrade option that wouldn't work on older computers is still having that problem? I understand that I need to disable Windows 10 update, and then do something called establishing a share point? If you do that system backup thing after installing Logos, will Logos then reappear if you have to reboot from your saved system information?
PSS My Logos 8 on the Windows 7 laptop is 8.12, which seems to be working okay, with just a few minor wrinkles.
If I understand your situation:
- You are going to upgrade your Win 7 laptop to Win 10
- It currently runs Logos 8.12 and there is a 1.3 GB download that you don't want because it might be Logos 9
- you might have a setting that disables software upgrades
If you go to Help > About Logos... (top right menu) and you see something like (Update channel:manual) under the version info for Logos 8, then you are protected (provided the channel name is something other than stable or beta). If there is no Channel info, you are not protected, and it is too late to do something about it.
If you are protected, then allow the download (which will be books and/or datasets).
After that you need to backup your Library for later (see this wiki article for path to resources). A removable drive will be needed.
Paul L. White said:what is that link, again, to instructions for how to move your Logos library from one computer to another so you don't have to download your entire library
Use Method 3 in that wiki (you have already done the backup for Step 1).
Paul L. White said:Am I presuming correctly that the Windows 10 upgrade option that wouldn't work on older computers is still having that problem? I understand that I need to disable Windows 10 update, and then do something called establishing a share point?
You need to check an upgrade article like this. MS still insist that a free upgrade is not available, but check that your system is Ok or otherwise.
Paul L. White said:If you do that system backup thing after installing Logos, will Logos then reappear if you have to reboot from your saved system information?
When you have installed Win 10 then use the Method 3 link above to install Logos 9 (using the Logos 9 Setup link provided). Don't rely on the Win 10 upgrade preserving your software and settings, because some of your software will not be compatible with Win 10. It's better to reinstall software, printers and other devices (be prepared for some of your devices being too old for Win 10!!).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you so much, Dave.
I'm afraid I didn't communicate thoroughly. I will keep Windows 7 and Logos 8 on the laptop, but have a larger machine on which I need to install Windows 10 (again), The last Windows 10 update went into a loop, and never did finish. I have downloaded an install program for a later version of Windows 10 (1909), and have put it on a USB drive, and am hoping that it will go ahead and install on Drive C of my larger computer (my original Windows 10 USB would not reinstall after the update failure). If not, I am planning to see if Windows 7 will reinstall on that larger machine, and then will install Windows 10 over it. If *that* won't work, then I plan to take the machine in to Best Buy, have them erase everything on my Drive C, and let me install Windows 10 here at home, even if they have to replace the hard drive, but I don't think they will have to.
Thank you for those links. They are what I was looking for. There is one factor that is left out. I plan to, after deleting the three data folders from the new install, copy my data backup to those exact folders. Last time I did this, all that was necessary was for Logos to run for about 30 minutes afterwards, and it discovered them all. I had mistyped a scan instruction apparently, and y'all told me it worked in spite of my error.
So I'm thinking, that, maybe, I don't have to type a "scan" instruction? Not if I copy data to the exact location Logos is used to looking?
I'm still not clear as to whether Windows fixed that update problem for 10 that was disabling older computers.
Thank you, Sir, for everything.
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Paul L. White said:
here is what my software says about the update channel.
The installation of Logos 8.12 is protected from software updates, but you can update it safely to the latest 8.17 SR-3 using this Logos8setup link.
You can allow the 1.3 GB download after the 8.17 update.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you, Dave. And you would do this on a Windows 7 laptop machine, that is going to stay at Windows 7?
Again, thanks.
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Paul L. White said:
The last Windows 10 update went into a loop, and never did finish. I have downloaded an install program for a later version of Windows 10 (1909), and have put it on a USB drive, and am hoping that it will go ahead and install on Drive C of my larger computer
Paul L. White said:I'm still not clear as to whether Windows fixed that update problem for 10 that was disabling older computers.
Good luck, especially if you have doubts about the hard drive. You really need an SSD drive for Logos, so I would seriously think about getting a 64-bit Win 10 machine from Best Buy if the Win 10 install fails.
Paul L. White said:There is one factor that is left out. I plan to, after deleting the three data folders from the new install, copy my data backup to those exact folders. Last time I did this, all that was necessary was for Logos to run for about 30 minutes afterwards, and it discovered them all. I had mistyped a scan instruction apparently, and y'all told me it worked in spite of my error.
So I'm thinking, that, maybe, I don't have to type a "scan" instruction? Not if I copy data to the exact location Logos is used to looking?
If you are talking about Method 2 for installing Logos 9, then read the instructions carefully as it will become a mirror of your laptop installation. That's why Method 3 is recommended.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Paul L. White said:
And you would do this on a Windows 7 laptop machine, that is going to stay at Windows 7?
If you have SP1, Logos 8.17 should be ok.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I agree with Dave. You need a SSD drive. Logos will be slooow on your machine.
You can buy a good ssd for about $100-150. I had an old machine (6 yrs old) and I recently added 8 gig ram to make it 16 gig ram and put in a 500 gig ssd and upgraded it from windows 7 to windows 10 and it all cost me $225. It was not at Best Buy though. Logos runs like a top on it. (it's the wife's machine).
There are plenty of computer "geeks" that do this kind of work. I used to... but I don't now.
I wish you well.
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