Murray Harris' EGGNT Volume on the Gospel of John

Hey all, I am studying a passage in John's Gospel with several commentaries all linked together in the same link set. All of the resources scroll together in sync with the exception of Murray Harris' EGGNT Volume on John. What gives? Is the latter not able to be linked to a bible and/or other commentaries? Thanks.
I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I just noticed that none of the scripture references in the said volume are hyperlinks. When hovering the mouse over scripture references, there are no verse popups.
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This resource is still in the production process (actually I think it's even two resources) and currently lacks the necessary bible index milestones, as well as links.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Irving Salzman said:
All of the resources scroll together in sync with the exception of Murray Harris' EGGNT Volume on John. What gives?
Wordsearch (WS) Catalog => shows WS resource 0:8928 has not yet been enhanced to be a Logos Research Edition, which would include Bible Milestones for scrolling. Automated eBook conversion did not add Bible Indexing.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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The obvious question would be this: Is Logos planning to enhance it so that it becomes a Logos Research Edition? If so, when could this be expected to become a reality?
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Irving Salzman said:
s Logos planning to enhance it so that it becomes a Logos Research Edition?
Irving Salzman said:If so, when could this be expected to become a reality?
All one can say is that they intend to as they have said so in many forum thread. On the time scale only Logos (Faithlife) will be able to answer.
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Okay, thank you, Ted.