Add from Selected Text or Clipboard not working in Passage List

Steven Veach
Steven Veach Member Posts: 273 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm trying to add specific verses to a particular passage list as I'm looking up references and source, but I'm finding the option within the passage list to Add > Selected Text or Add > Clipboard do nothing. Right now the only way I'm able to add a selected verse or section is to highlight, right-click and then add to selected passage list.

What I would love is a way to highlight a particular text in a bible and use a shortcut key to automatically send that highlighted text to the passage list that is open in the other window. Is that possible?

If so, is it possible to do the same for any highlighted reference in a book, say Genesis 1:1 is highlighted in TSK, can I use the same shortcut key to send that reference to the passage list?




  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,157

    I'm trying to add specific verses to a particular passage list as I'm looking up references and source, but I'm finding the option within the passage list to Add > Selected Text or Add > Clipboard do nothing.

    I find the same when I selected/copied bible text. The functionality is there when I copy the reference (as text or as URL) 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Steven Veach
    Steven Veach Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    Yep, I discovered that as well after I posted. I can copy Add > Selected Text or Clipboard from references in commentaries/books, etc plus I can also do the same from footnotes in the bible itself! I just can't copy an actual verse from the bible and add > clipboard or selected text. 

    I have not been able to find a shortcut key yet for adding to the passage list, though. Still looking.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    I'm trying to add specific verses to a particular passage list as I'm looking up references and source, but I'm finding the option within the passage list to Add > Selected Text or Add > Clipboard do nothing.

    The selected text or the clipboard text have to contain explicit bible references. It is useful for non-bible resources such as commentaries.


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