Tip: Inductive - 5 W's & H visual filters

Faithlife Group Logos Visual Filters recently asked:
Parker Lee Smith">Is there a way to create a visual filter for the 5 W's & H Inductive Bible Study questions for the OT?
Yes with caveat about Inductive - 5 W's & H searches being resource intensive: e.g. Why search finds 38,918 results in Lexham English Bible that took 8.88 seconds using 3.6 GHz Intel Core i9 (9900K)
Michael Wert">Im interested also for the OT. Can use Louw-Nida for NT.
Louw-Nida for NT visual filter examples have screen shots in thread => Bible Visual Filter
Followers of Faithlife Logos Visual Filters group can now copy Inductive - 5 W's & H visual filters (with associated highlighting palette), which can be used with Inductive - Precept visual filters in the whole Bible plus can be used with Louw-Nida visual filters for NT. Personally used "Louw-Nida Who, What, Where, Why" visual filter as a starting point for comparison (with Inductive - 5 W's & H at times matching Louw-Nida inserted word while in other places being reasonably different)
Screen Shot shows some Hebrew words having two Inductive - 5 W's & H: e.g. Your Rod in Psalm 23:4 has Who for <Person God> and What for <Sense physical entity>
Who visual filter finds Morphology, Louw-Nida (Proper Names), Person, & seven Sense hierarchies. Logos Hebrew & Aramaic Morphology include @NP for Proper Nouns (Names) while Logos Greek Morphology does not distinguish Proper Nouns so included Louw-Nida for Who visual filter use in NT.
What visual filter finds adjectives & numericals with eight Sense hierarchies. Many adjectives in Biblical Sense Lexicon lack hierarchy connection so morphology search was quicker.
Where visual filter finds a Hebrew lemma, Louw-Nida (Place Names), & seven Sense hierarchies
When visual filter finds four Sense hierarchies
Why visual filter finds <Sense abstraction> hierarchy with many NOT INTERSECTS for other W's & H
How visual filter finds verbs: "How To" so English sentence without How show verbless clause translation.
Bronze and higher feature sets include Biblical Word Senses Dataset & Biblical Referents Dataset
Comments, questions, and suggestions are Welcome
Keep Smiling
Thank you very much.[Y]
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I do not see the visual filters for 5W's and an H. I went to the Logos Visual Filters Group and it is no longer there. Is it possible that it was removed? I even searched for the list that you have here.
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JesusisKing said:
I do not see the visual filters for 5W's and an H. I went to the Logos Visual Filters Group and it is no longer there. Is it possible that it was removed?
You need to be a follower of the group, then you can see the documents:
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks, I am a follower of that group. Perhaps I overlooked that section. I will look again.