Full Hebrew/Greek Parsing not visible

Alicia Jackson
Alicia Jackson Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When I right click on a word (whether from English, Hebrew or Greek Bibles), the word information box pops up, but the full parsing is not visible. I did two example below, one from Hebrew and one from Greek. Even when I hover over or click on the parsing line in the box with the @ symbol, you can't see the full parsing. You can only see the parsing abbreviation on the right, which doesn't help intro students. For Greek, it seems to work to click on the word, and then tools, and then information, and the parsing comes up. But for Hebrew when I click on tools and information, it always says, "Word info: no results" (I've tried it with frequently used words). This in combination with the Hebrew BSW linking to the wrong lexicons makes doing Hebrew word studies virtually impossible from the web app. 



  • When I right click on a word (whether from English, Hebrew or Greek Bibles), the word information box pops up, but the full parsing is not visible.

    Concur Right Click partially shows/obscures parsing.

    In desktop application, suggest opening Tools => Information (can choose to refresh on Click OR Hover) that displays full parsing

    Desktop application allows Tool tab to be dragged to new location & resized for easier readability

    Web App can have LHB in one Tab and Tool => Information in the other: (so click on LHB word changes Information: Word Info)

    Desktop Information Tool also works to show full Greek parsing:

    Screen shot shows desktop application visual filter highlighting of Logos Greek Morphology that can be done using free Logos 9 Basic and Lexham Intro Collection (5 vols). Lexham Hebrew Bible (LHB) is in free Academic Basic that is only available for student purchase

    Web App Information Tool also shows full Greek parsing:

    FYI: Web App currently lacks visual filter highlighting.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Alicia Jackson
    Alicia Jackson Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Thank you, Keep Smiling for Jesus! What a great reminder always, especially in the midst of technical frustrations! 

    Yes, the downloaded software works great on computers or phones and I always recommend it. The Tools/Information for parsing at this point in the web app only works for Greek, but not for Hebrew.

    My challenge as a professor especially with remote learning during COVID is that I'm running into more and more students who use tablets or chromebooks as their primary device, and they either don't have a computer, or the one they have is too old or slow to support the full downloaded version (even though with our academic contract it's only 27 books). The web app is becoming more a necessity for them, so it remains a great challenge for me in OT and Hebrew courses. 

    Thanks again!

  • Jeromy Blomquist (Logos)
    Jeromy Blomquist (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 38

    For Greek, it seems to work to click on the word, and then tools, and then information, and the parsing comes up. But for Hebrew when I click on tools and information, it always says, "Word info: no results" (I've tried it with frequently used words).

    What Hebrew Bible are you using? Parsing in the Information Tool works for me when I use the Lexham Hebrew Bible.

    Soli Deo Gloria,

    Jeromy Blomquist | Academic Program Manager | jeromy.blomquist@faithlife.com

  • Alicia Jackson
    Alicia Jackson Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Thanks Jeromy! I'm using LHB and LEB. It's hit and miss. I've been testing out different words and I can't figure out a pattern as to certain words that so no word info and certain words that do come up with the full parsing. I was thinking the nouns seem to work more frequently, but again, I can't discern a pattern. How many words have you tested out? It is random, so I recommend students use Logos on their phones for the parsings if they don't show up on the Tools/Information.

  • Jeromy Blomquist (Logos)
    Jeromy Blomquist (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 38

    How many words have you tested out?

    Dozens and it works every time. 

    If you come across it again, make sure to screenshot the whole screen so we can see the resource, reference, and word that you are on. Also, copy and paste the URL (the URL identifies the resources/tools you have up and location).

    The team is looking into the Context Menu overflow issue.  

    Soli Deo Gloria,

    Jeromy Blomquist | Academic Program Manager | jeromy.blomquist@faithlife.com

  • Alicia Jackson
    Alicia Jackson Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Jeromy I think I figured out what was happening because now I am getting it to work. I had been clicking on the word, and then click on Tools/Info and it would be blank. But, once the Tools/Info window was already open, then I clicked on the word again and THEN the parsing showed up. I didn't realized I needed to click on the word AFTER opening the blank Tools/Info window. Thank you!

  • Jeromy Blomquist (Logos)
    Jeromy Blomquist (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 38

    Brilliant! If I hear anything about the Context Menu, I'll keep you posted. 

    Soli Deo Gloria,

    Jeromy Blomquist | Academic Program Manager | jeromy.blomquist@faithlife.com

  • John M. Linebarger
    John M. Linebarger Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Is this capability now broken in the Logos Web App? Because I have the Max Subscription and I see no Tools —> Information menu and no way no how can I drag any right-click information display onto another tab. What I try to do is to click on the expansion symbol ">" to the right of the cut-off parsing information, but all the screen does is blink and do nothing. I suspected a popup suppression of some sort so I made an exception for https://app.logos.com, to no avail. I even tried it in another browser (Edge instead of Firefox) and got the very same behavior. What am I doing wrong? How can I see the full parsing information when I right click in LHB in the Web app? Very frustrating.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,087
    edited December 2024

    I have the Max Subscription and I see no Tools —> Information menu and no way no how can I drag any right-click information display onto another tab. 

    works for Hebrew and Greek for me.

    EDIT: but you don't drag anything. I have the Information panel open and then click on the Greek/Hebrew words and the Information panel will fill itself - like Alicia described earlier in this thread.

    Forget about the right click menu. And if you look at it: the ">" symbol to the right is no expansion symbol but just the visual indicator that this is the one of the many left-side aspects (selection, lemma, morph-code, sense, …) that is showing on the right side. Clicking it is not supposed to do anything at all, so that it doesn't do anything is not a bug.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • John M. Linebarger
    John M. Linebarger Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    This worked perfectly for me in the Web app. Thank you!