Build your own Bible (Personal Book) guide for dummies

Glory be to Jesus Christ!!!
I was wondering if someone could help me, step by step, in learning how to make a Bible in Verbum/Logos as a Personal Book Resource.
I understood that i have to add all those tags, but is there a way to "automatize" the process? Tagging each Bible verse by hand is quite a endeavour...
I want to make a resource for a Romanian Bible, i found the text on a post on the forum.
I have no problems using the Verbum menu: adding the resource info, the .docx, cover, build, etc.
Also, the Bible i want to make has the LXX version of the Old Testament, and i noticed that, because of the verse numbering, i get alot of error (in the log that the app generates).
Thank you very much!!!
br Anastasie
The Monk said:
is there a way to "automatize" the process? Tagging each Bible verse by hand is quite a endeavour...
Of course, if you write pretty simple code. If you do, once you have a working parser, you can easily adapt it to other Bible text files (OL and footnotes being the primary headaches). I like to write to HTML, since easy to see errors, and then import into Word.
But for normal forumites, the usual is search/replace, which works decently, if there's no cross-refs. Then, manually do the book headers (for TOCs), and chapter headers, if the file doesn't have 'chapter' breaks that you can search for.
Regarding LXX versification, I don't see any solution outside coding, and even that is tricky, especially in Jeremiah. I don't know if PBs offer adjusting the versification definition.
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The Monk said:
Also, the Bible i want to make has the LXX version of the Old Testament, and i noticed that, because of the verse numbering, i get alot of error (in the log that the app generates).
There is no bible datatype for Romanian, so you may have to choose one from those listed for the Septuagint Your milestones will look like
[[@BibleLXX:Jer 17:5]] --> this is the first verse with BibleLXX
I see that you caught up with an old thread so you are familiar with the problems of versification and coverage of bible books
Also check this thread .
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I use the Tool from Michael. You found him on the German Forum. His icon in the forum is the same as on his website.
His tool: There is a newer version, but not release it yet.
If the tool say you have to use the @Bible Milestone but your Bible don't have titles in the Psalms as 3:0 then you get an error. See Logos should fix this bug.
Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης·
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Fabian said:
If the tool say you have to use the @Bible Milestone but your Bible don't have titles in the Psalms as 3:0 then you get an error.
This also means that you are not using the appropriate verse map which may cause other problems.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Fabian said:
If the tool say you have to use the @Bible Milestone but your Bible don't have titles in the Psalms as 3:0 then you get an error.
You have to account for versification and bible book coverage with the appropriate/approximate bible datatype
If you look at Psalm 3 in the above wiki, the first three sets of datatypes support:
1-9 title,1-8 title,1-8 ==> i.e. all have 9 verses
Verse 0 isn't supported, so try 3:title with a datatype from the heading e.g. [[@Bible:Ps 3:title]] 0 OR [[@Bible:Ps 3:title]] title ==> you can use 0 or title as the visible verse number (assuming that the next verse is 1).
The challenge is whether that datatype will support the exact range of verses for all the other chapters in Psalms, and does so for all the other bible books in your bible e.g. if your 1 Macc has 68 verses, you might have to use BibleLutbib1984 for this book (which doesn't support Ps 3:title)!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you very much everybody for your help!
I will look into the solutions you offered and come back if i have problems...
God bless you!
br. A.