Bug?: Links to TWOT# do not open the TWOT

Stephen M. Vantassel
Stephen M. Vantassel Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When I open the dictionary of biblical languages with semantic domains, Hebrew O.T., the links to TWOT do not open the TWOT when I click on them even though the document is available in my database and is unlocked. I have owned it for years. 

Likewise, when I link windows together, A to A. for example they do not stay linked when I reopen the panel. 



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,207

    the links to TWOT do not open the TWOT when I click on them even though the document is available in my database and is unlocked. I have owned it for years. 

    What does happen?

    Is another resource opened or is the position in DBL OT updated? This sounds like a prioritisation issue. Do you have TWOT prioritised above or below DBL, for example? See https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019683652-Prioritize-Resources for background on prioritisation

    Likewise, when I link windows together, A to A. for example they do not stay linked when I reopen the panel. 

    Linking does not persist through closing / reopening resources unless you have them in a Layout. See https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016599631-What-are-Layouts-and-How-Do-I-Use-Them- for information about those.

  • When I open the dictionary of biblical languages with semantic domains, Hebrew O.T., the links to TWOT do not open the TWOT when I click on them ...

    One idea is TWOT advanced prioritization (in DBL) above DBL so clicking TWOT link in DBL opens TWOT:

    Thread => searching strong's numbers may have some helpful prioritization ideas.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Stephen M. Vantassel
    Stephen M. Vantassel Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I will take A look at prioritization. But this didn’t seem to happen until I switched logos to another drive. As for layout linking. They were in a layout but Imwhen I reopen the layout the links are broken and I have to relink the resources. 

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,207

    But this didn’t seem to happen until I switched logos to another drive

    Very strange

    What type of drive did you switch to, how did you do it?

    They were in a layout but Imwhen I reopen the layout the links are broken and I have to relink the resources. 

    If this is consistent please provide more details including screenshots

  • Stephen M. Vantassel
    Stephen M. Vantassel Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I moved logos from my c drive to the F drive. I was just running out of space on my c-drive. My logos library is quite large and I have other programs that consume resources too. 

    It was a month or so ago. I downloaded the initial file and then installed it on my F drive. But it was a bit wonky as the info on line didn't work. So I don't quite recall how I did the work around. I'm wondering if I should move it back to c drive. But the multi gigabyte download is not making me feel good. 

  • Stephen M. Vantassel
    Stephen M. Vantassel Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I think I have the coordinated windows figured out. Thank you for your help. 

    Now on to the broken links. 

  • Stephen M. Vantassel
    Stephen M. Vantassel Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I checked the prioritization. Turns out TWOT is number 1 for O.T. lexicons. 

  • I checked the prioritization. Turns out TWOT is number 1 for O.T. lexicons. 

    What is the relative prioritization of DBL (Hebrew & Aramaic) compared to TWOT ?

    Two DBL resources (Hebrew & Aramaic) and TWOT have TWOT indexing (earlier description sounds like DBL is prioritized above TWOT)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,201

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    What is the relative prioritization of DBL (Hebrew & Aramaic) compared to TWOT ?

    Two DBL resources (Hebrew & Aramaic) and TWOT have TWOT indexing (earlier description sounds like DBL is prioritized above TWOT)

    make that three - in addition to TWOT itself - , the ESL uses TWOT indexing, too (as already reflected in your advanced prio example above)

    @Stephen: for Logos there is no category "O.T. lexicon", it uses datatype indexes. Most lexicons would be indexed according to Hebrew Headwords, but some would use alternative or additional indexes, such as Hebrew Strongs, GK-Numbers or TWOT numbers. When you follow such a datatype link, Logos will show the first lexicon (in prio order) that has an entry for this datatype.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Stephen M. Vantassel
    Stephen M. Vantassel Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Understood, I looked at my prioritized resources and TWOT is #23 in the overall list and 10 spots below the DBL hebrew.

  • NB.Mick said:

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    What is the relative prioritization of DBL (Hebrew & Aramaic) compared to TWOT ?

    Two DBL resources (Hebrew & Aramaic) and TWOT have TWOT indexing (earlier description sounds like DBL is prioritized above TWOT)

    make that three - in addition to TWOT itself - , the ESL uses TWOT indexing, too (as already reflected in your advanced prio example above)

    Searching All Resources for <TWOT 61>


    found Spanish DBL has TWOT indexing too so modified my advanced ESL and TWOT prioritizations (for pop-ups in Spanish DBL & TLOT)

    FYI: my highest prioritized lexicon with Hebrew Headword indexing is The Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible (2017), which is above prioritization of lexicons in my library having Strong's Number indexing (followed next by Latin)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,133

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    One idea is TWOT advanced prioritization (in DBL) above DBL so clicking TWOT link in DBL opens TWOT:

    The basic idea is fine but you have over-specified it with "from..." resources

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    found Spanish DBL has TWOT indexing too so modified my advanced ESL and TWOT prioritizations (for pop-ups in Spanish DBL & TLOT) 

    You avoid this if you prioritize as per TDNT advanced i.e. one entry, provided it is prioritized above the possible "from..." lexicons e.g.

    • ESL
      • for Greek Strong's
    • ESL
      • for Hebrew Strong's
    • TDNT
      • for TDNT #
    • TWOT
      • for TWOT #
    • DBL Greek
    • insert other Greek lexicons (you can include TDNT w/out Advanced prioritization)
    • DBL Hebrew
    • TLOT    ---->  this is only indexed for Hebrew headwords!
    • insert other Hebrew lexicons (you can include TWOT w/out Advanced prioritization)
    • DBL Aramaic
    • insert other Aramaic lexicons


    • ESL will be used for any Strong's number in any resource
    • TDNT will be used for TDNT # in any resource, and cannot steal  Strong's numbers from ESL
    • TWOT will be used for TWOT # in any resource, and cannot steal  Strong's numbers from ESL
    • LXHEBANLEX can be preferred for Hebrew headwords, but it will also be preferred for Aramaic headwords (same as BDB)
      • use Advanced prioritization to restrict it to Hebrew headwords; OR
      • specify pure Aramaic lexicons before the Hebrew lexicons.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    One idea is TWOT advanced prioritization (in DBL) above DBL so clicking TWOT link in DBL opens TWOT:

    The basic idea is fine but you have over-specified it with "from..." resources

    Thanks: kept one advanced prioritization with "from..." resource so Right Click on a Greek word in Louw-Nida's lexicon has Louw-Nida's lexicon as first lookup item:

    Advanced Prioritization for Greek & Hebrew Strong Numbers shows start of lexicons with Strong Number indexing. Advanced prioritization of Louw-Nida is the last lexicon (does not need Advanced, but like visual identifier at the end of lexicon prioritizations)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,133

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Advanced Prioritization for Greek & Hebrew Strong Numbers shows start of lexicons with Strong Number indexing.

    That is so, but the positioning is awkward:

    • You have prioritized that many Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic lexicons that listing the 3x DBL, Mounce, Vine's, New Strong's Dictionary is only a safeguard, and you would avoid the worry of lexicons with Strong's by positioning the 2x ESL Advanced Prioritization at the top of your list.
    • This would allow you to prefer TDNT to TDNTa for headwords, as well as re-position or remove the above lexicons (incl. ESL) for headwords.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • You have prioritized that many Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic lexicons that listing the 3x DBL, Mounce, Vine's, New Strong's Dictionary is only a safeguard,

    Right Click => Strong's Number shows Lookup in ESL, DBL, Vine's, Complete Word Study, TDNT, Mounce, TWOT, ...

    Right Click => Lemma shows Lookup in Greek Headword Lexicons: LxAnLexGNT, LTW, TLNT, NIDNTTE, EDNT, BTLNT, ...

    Different lexicons have different sets of Headwords and Numbering. Analytical lexicons are exhaustive, but others are not. DBL includes links to Strong's, TDNT, LN

    Keep Smiling [:)]