re. Auto numbering list feature in notes!

Paul F. Evans
Paul F. Evans Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Auto numbering list feature in notes... how do I disable it... I want to number points in my notes and under the heading make notes, but if I number the heading Logos creates a numbered list with every new paragraph.  I cannot find a disable feature.  



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,114

    It isn't possible to do what you want in Notes (or in this Post). You have to do it manually.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Paul F. Evans
    Paul F. Evans Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Can we have a feature that disables autonumbering of lists? When I number a header I do not want to create a numbered list necessarily.  Notes auto-numbers every new paragraph separated by a paragraph space 1. even if I number it 2.  This means I cannot create a note that has heading followed by text (discussion, observations) when I separate the headers by a new paragraph marker, in which case it goes back to 1. What I need is to be able to sequentially number my headers i.e. 2., 3., etc. 


    1. The lists feature is good if I want to create a list

    2.  I would like to have the option to manually number my headers, which I cannot do because every time I add a number Logos automatically creates a list and then begins a new list with 1.  when I add a new number after a paragraph space (blank line)

    3.  The list created will look like this... but indented automatically

    1.  Jesus and His Disciples

    1.  Jesus and the Crowds

    1.  Jesus and the Religious leaders

    4.  Not all numbered items need to be lists as I show above. They maybe, rather, headings

    5.  I use notes to create my background research for sermon and teaching prep. 
