Re. Spell checker not working in desktop app

Just updated to 9.3... now spellchecker is not working. The setting is set to yes. It is not challenging misspelled words.
Yes... I have now heard that ti is being worked on
Hope it comes soon, I have fat fingers that like more than one key at a time?
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Paul F. Evans said:
Just updated to 9.3... now spellchecker is not working. The setting is set to yes. It is not challenging misspelled words.
This has been fixed in 9.3 SR-1.
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Having similar issue so wondering if spell checker is turned on - where do I check this?
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Deborah Baldridge said:
Having similar issue so wondering if spell checker is turned on - where do I check this?
In preferences / program settings, there is a "check spelling while typing" switch. It is turned ON by default.
Which specific version of the app are you running? Mac or Windows? Which specific version?
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