BUG: Factbook > Dictionaries section

Steps to reproduce (on Windows 10, Logos 9):
- Open Factbook to "Suffering"
- Open Dictionaries section
- For "Dictionary of Biblical Imagery" and "Dictionary of Theological Terms," they each have two entries, separated by a dot.
- For each of these dictionaries, clicking on the first of the two entries will also bring you to the second entry after the dot.
PL said:
clicking on the first of the two entries will also bring you to the second entry after the dot.
I'm not sure I understand the behavior you are experiencing. Are you saying that two panels open? Or are you saying that clicking the first entry takes you to the wrong location in the dictionary?
It might help to attach a screenshot or two using the paperclip icon.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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When you move your mouse over the first link, does the second link change color? If you click on the last letter of the second link, does anything happen? Does it open the resource?
If you hover your mouse over the first link, does a preview pop up with the contents for the first article or the second?
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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When you move your mouse over the first link, does the second link change color? No.
If you click on the last letter of the second link, does anything happen? Does it open the resource? Yes, clicking anywhere on either of the two links will open the dictionary to the second linked article always.
If you hover your mouse over the first link, does a preview pop up with the contents for the first article or the second? Hovering over any blue link will pop up an overview of the dictionary itself, not a preview of any article.
Are you able to reproduce this problem on your side? (I'm on Logos 9.4 Beta 1).
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PL said:
If you hover your mouse over the first link, does a preview pop up with the contents for the first article or the second? Hovering over any blue link will pop up an overview of the dictionary itself, not a preview of any article.
I don't have the dictionaries in question and thus can only replicate this part of the response.
However, for the following resource (same Factbook article) I get funky stuff:
Zeller, Paul, ed. Calwer Bibellexikon: Biblisches Handwörterbuch Illustriert. Calw; Stuttgart: Verlag der Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1912.
This German resource always shows me the first of three results that show in the dictionary section, no matter which one I click on.
In "Davie, M., Grass, T., Holmes, S. R., McDowell, J., & Noble, T. A. (Eds.). (2016). New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (Second Edition). London; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press; InterVarsity Press" both "Suffering" and "Impassibility of God" open to "See also: BAPTIST THEOLOGY." at the end of the article on Spurgeon, which is less than helpful.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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SineNomine said:
In "Davie, M., Grass, T., Holmes, S. R., McDowell, J., & Noble, T. A. (Eds.). (2016). New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (Second Edition). London; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press; InterVarsity Press" both "Suffering" and "Impassibility of God" open to "See also: BAPTIST THEOLOGY." at the end of the article on Spurgeon, which is less than helpful.
I tried clicking on the last letter of "Impassibility of God" and now this dictionary opens to "Suffering" no matter where I click. Verbum 9.4 Beta 1, incidentally.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Thanks, PL. It turns out this was a bug introduced in 9.4 Beta 1 which had already been fixed for a later release. You should see it fixed up in an upcoming Beta (although I think not the very next one).
In the future, I would definitely recommend posting bug reports in the Beta forum when you are running the Beta software.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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SineNomine said:
I tried clicking on the last letter of "Impassibility of God" and now this dictionary opens to "Suffering" no matter where I click. Verbum 9.4 Beta 1, incidentally.
Yes. The application is just open the resource to the last location you had it open.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thanks Andrew for your follow-up.
Noted about posting in the Beta forum in the future. (I wasn't thinking this could be introduced by the beta.)
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PL said:
Thanks Andrew for your follow-up.
Noted about posting in the Beta forum in the future. (I wasn't thinking this could be introduced by the beta.)
Hi PL,
This was fixed in 9.4 Beta 3.
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It works flawlessly now. Thanks!