Footnotes in Journals, Books, Articles, etc.

I wrote to Morris Proctor and company with the problem I have with footnotes in Logos. I got an incomplete answer to my question. I replied with the following:
Will you please look carefully at my request. I already know what you refer to regarding this. But it is very limiting. It only gives the footnotes and cross references of the segment of the article open. The footnotes often provide a literal treasure of information. When a footnote is referred to in the interior of an article it is clumsy to scroll back and try to find the original citation where the fuller documentation is found.
A clumsy work around I have found is to highlight an extended section of the article hoping that it will contain the earlier citation and then going to power lookup. But that will give all the scripture citations too which necessitates some scroll searching for the footnote(s) only.
Are you aware that in Galaxy Software Journal Collection one can open a journal artlcle and the footnotes are hot linked and appear sequentially at the end of the article as well. Pretty neat as Morris would say.
Does Logos have a way to work the way Galaxy’s Software works?
Have you tried the Power Lookup tool? Open it and it will show the contents of all references in the resource in focus.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Sure I use Power look up tool all the time. But as I indicate it is very limiting as it only looks up the segment being displayed. For example,
I open an artlcle that has footnote 47 in the text. I go to Power tool and I get an op cit or the like. So where is the original citation?
In Logos one has has to scroll back to where the article was initially cited to find the details. This is clumsy. See my work around.
As I say, Galaxy Software works far better as the footnotes are totally interactive and are totally listed at the end of the article.
Methinks you have not run into this problem.
Thanks very much for your response. I appreciate it.
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Kenneth Hedstrom said:
I open an artlcle that has footnote 47 in the text. I go to Power tool and I get an op cit or the like. So where is the original citation?
Providing article information that has footnote 47 allows other users to replicate issue.
Screen shot shows a Journal article having footnote 132 "ibid." whose Power Lookup lacks relevance. Clicking previous arrow in Reading View goes back one a bit too far as the footnote numbering skipped over 131
Clicking next arrow shows Footnote 131 on screen, whose content can be copied:
Cosby, “Toward a Definition of ‘Puritan’ and ‘Puritanism,’ ” 307.
Puritan Reformed Journal Volume 2 (2010).
Keep Smiling [:)]