Highlighted Word in Search for AV 1873

When I do a search for lemma:πειράζω for the AV 1873 Bible Revelation 2:2 doesn't highlight the word.
Paul Weir said:
When I do a search for lemma:πειράζω for the AV 1873 Bible Revelation 2:2 doesn't highlight the word.
It does for me - can you post a screenshot (using the paperclip icon in the forum editor) showing your search and the results?
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You are searching the GNT SBL and have added the AV1873 to the search results - whereas I was searching the AV directly
While the same lemma is used in both resources, the actual word used is different.
I wouldn't have expected this to cause these results but it might be relevant.
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The Greek word in the TR text (Greek underlying the KJV, NKJV and AV1873) is ἐπειράσω and not πειρασθῆτε as in the GNT-SBL. The word is not highlighted in any of those versions, but it is in the ESV, NIV, etc.
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See Graham's post Below
Levi figured out the problem, but to be explicit: The reason that it isn't appearing in the search is because there isn't a hit... the word you are searching for, isn't in the AV 1873 at Acts 8:25.
The NT Bible is translated from (primarily) Greek texts. There are two primary "streams" of sources. The AV/KJV utilizes the "Textus Receptus." Examine the following screenshot where I have highlighted the words translated into English in Acts 8:25 for you. Notice that they are different.
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JT (alabama24) said:
I have highlighted the words translated into English in Acts 8:25 for you. Notice that they are different.
But as far as I can see you aren't comparing the same word.
On the left you have the words "preaching the gospel" highlighted and on the right you have "preached" in the context of "preached the word of the Lord".
The matching word on the right is "preached" in the context of "preached the gospel" (later in the verse) and, as far as I can see, the words used in both texts are the same.
So I don't understand what is going on.
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So, I'm relatively new to the Logos Forums. Is this bug-report worthy ( is it a bug or a "feature" [:)] )? If it's a bug, is it enough that I've created this post here or do I need to report this somewhere else for consideration to be fixed in a future update?
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Creating the post is the right thing to do.
I will admit to not knowing whether it is a bug or a feature - I just don’t understand what is happening!
Hopefully someone from Faithlife will see and comment further.
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Paul Weir said:
So, I'm relatively new to the Logos Forums. Is this bug-report worthy ( is it a bug or a "feature"
)? If it's a bug, is it enough that I've created this post here or do I need to report this somewhere else for consideration to be fixed in a future update?
Replicated Acts 8:25 bug so created thread => Bug: 9.4 Beta 3 Corresponding Lemma Search Highlighting in Acts 8:25 that refers to this thread.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Excuse me but the highlighting depends upon the reverse interlinear which in this case is aligned with Scriviner's Textus Receptus (as shown in the AV 1873 information panel). A comparison against the SBL is "meaningless"
I suspect that using the documented text for the RVI is a feature not a bug.[;)] Okay, I'll behave myself [:#] One might say I recognized the error because I have practice recognizing it.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Excuse me but the highlighting depends upon the reverse interlinear which in this case is aligned with Scriviner's Textus Receptus (as shown in the AV 1873 information panel).
But the thing I don't understand is if the lemmas match surely the highlighting should happen - irrespective of which Greek text the resource is aligned with?
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Graham Criddle said:
But the thing I don't understand is if the lemmas match surely the highlighting should happen - irrespective of which Greek text the resource is aligned with?
Unfortunately, the Scrivener text does not show morphology on right-click Morphology coding on all texts used as base text for reverse interlinear | Faithlife Feedback so I can't actually check the lemma it shows ... I don't trust the RVI which has been manipulated by the system. I want the raw(er) data.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Paul Weir said:
Thanks! I love this feature. It's so helpful.
Does it help to get more examples of this bug or not? In case it does and until I hear back, here's another one
Morph Search for lemma:στήκω in SBLGNT includes Mark 3:31 while The New Testament in Greek (Scrivener 1881) has ἑστῶτες that can be found via Basic Search for <Lemma = lbs/el/ἵστημι>
Added Mark 11:25 example to thread => Bug: 9.4 Beta 3 Corresponding Lemma Search Highlighting in Acts 8:25 (screen shot shows lemma:στήκω search in The New Testament in Greek (Scrivener 1881) having corresponding search highlighting in AV 1873 and KJV 1900)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Actually, the difference is just that some MSS separate the preposition from the noun and some have the preposition on the front of the noun.
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Paul Weir said:
Actually, the difference is just that some MSS separate the preposition from the noun and some have the preposition on the front of the noun.
lemma:ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ has three prefixed prepositions. Corresponding search in The New Testament in Greek (Scrivener 1881) is "lemma:ὑπέρ lemma:ἐκ lemma:περισσῶς"
Keep Smiling [:)]