Looking up Hebrew Word in Dictionary with verse Reference

When I look up a Hebrew Word in a Dictionary like BDB, is it possible to also have it show the verse reference I am looking it up from?
For example here, could I have the BDB not only look for Qol, but also Ps 77:2 and highlight it if it is there?
kingsidepawn said:
When I look up a Hebrew Word in a Dictionary like BDB, is it possible to also have it show the verse reference I am looking it up from?
Yes, linking Bible and Lexicons allows a click on a Hebrew word in Bible to cause Lexicon location change to corresponding lemma. In the Lexicons, having "Emphasize Active References" checked causes linked Bible location to be highlighted
Old Testament Reverse Interlinears are aligned with Lexham Hebrew Bible (LHB). Thread => BHS and BHW includes information about which BHS versions are deprecated. Vincent Setterholm was a Faithlife employee when replying in 2014, which includes suggestion for LHB to be used as primary Hebrew Bible.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thank you! I thought I saw it done somewhere, but couldn't remember where and how. This helps a lot!