Logos 9 Desktop App Bug List

I found a bug with the Visual Filter where if you use "Match Case" then the Visual Filter option is no longer available when you click the "Visual Filter" option in the bible.
Before I report, is there a bug report list that I can check so I am not duplicating the bug report?
Hi Thomas - and welcome to the forums
Thomas said:I found a bug with the Visual Filter where if you use "Match Case" then the Visual Filter option is no longer available when you click the "Visual Filter" option in the bible.
I might not be fully understanding what you are describing but I tested it
I created a Visual Filter using the Match Case option
And it appears - and works as expected - in my Bible
So please provide a few more details as to what you are seeing
Thomas said:Before I report, is there a bug report list that I can check so I am not duplicating the bug report?
No - there isn't a publicly accessible bug report list so posting in these forums is a good way of reviewing issues.
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I created a VF called "Highlight LORD" with "Matching all word forms" as shown below.
The VF "Highlight LORD" is available for me to click on my ESV bible.
I switch to "Match case" as shown
The VF and "Highlight LORD" is no longer available for me.
I deleted and created multiple times, but the same result.
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What we need to see to answer your question is the visual filter document itself. (Open the Document menu to find it). It's header contains the resources/passages to which the visual filter applies.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Yes - thank you. I suspect that if you turn off "match case" it will start working again. I suspect that the problem is that you typed all capitals for LORD while the text would have small caps - they won't match. If you copy and paste an occurrence of the small caps form, you could turn the match case back on.
see Search for "Lord" finds "LORD" when Match Case option selected - Faithlife Forums (logos.com) for discussion
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I think you are right. Unfortunately, you can't copy and paste LORD with "ORD" in small caps to Logos Software. It is a special font type. I need to find a different means to highlight the word or switch to YHWH or Yahweh.
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I would definitely switch to a visual filter for the Hebrew for YHWH. That will also highlight GOD in small caps, which is used when Adonai precedes YHWH.
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Hello Bob,
How do you do that?
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In your visual filter, type h:yhwh. Then select the first option in the dropdown. The h: tells Logos that you want a Hebrew word for the English transliteration you enter (yhwh).
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Oh, ty! It's difficult for me to distinguish when I read LORD and Lord. I wanted to either highlight LORD or switch LORD with YHWH so I can focus on meanings without consciously distracted by LORD vs Lord.
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Hello Bob,
I am sure there is an easier way, but just bought this software (the best investment I made), so still learning. How are you entering Hebrew letters?
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Thomas said:
I am sure there is an easier way, but just bought this software (the best investment I made), so still learning. How are you entering Hebrew letters?
I follow these steps. Open my ESV, right click on a word (LORD, for example). On the popup, be sure that the lemma form of YHWH in focus (should be the 4th line down on the left side of popup), then on right side of popup, under search options, click on "Bible". That will bring up a search panel with results. Then I just copy the search syntax that Logos did, into my visual filter. This way, I'm not typing in the exact syntax, since I can't remember it.
Let me know if you need pics.
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A better, easier way is to open a search panel and do a bible search, and enter h: into search box to tell Logos you are wanting to search Hebrew, and start typing in transliteration (such as: h:elohim or h:yhwh). Then scroll down to find the lemma for your word. Be sure to select the lemma (marked with a blue circle). (It's important to get the lemma form)
Logos will replace your search with it's syntax and you can copy that syntax over to your visual filter.