Sermon Builder

Sermon Builder is not automatically inserting Biblical text when reference is typed. I still need to copy and paste. I can hover over the reference and it will bring it up in a smaller screen and the Biblical reference does change color also but no automatic inserting. Any suggestions?
Sermon Builder is not automatically inserting Biblical text when reference is typed. I still need to copy and paste. I can hover over the reference and it will bring it up in a smaller screen and the Biblical reference does change color also but no automatic inserting. Any suggestions?
Are you typing a Bible reference as its own block/paragraph (without anything preceding it) and then typing ENTER?
Click to view this GIF:
That's the only way it works right now. We're looking to add support for other scenarios and make it more discoverable in the near future.
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Thank you!!! I was not hitting enter after typing the Biblical reference. I knew it had to be something simple [:)]. After going back a listening again to the tutorials however, there is no mentioning of hitting enter immediately after typing reference. Maybe this is common knowledge? Well, obviously it's not common knowledge to me, lol. Just a suggestion, for those like me out there who may not know to hit enter, an addition in the tutorial would be helpful. Once again, thank you for your help. I'm new to Logos, being a transfer from WordSearch and am making my way through tutorials. Blessings
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Maybe this is common knowledge?
I don't think it is. It's a hidden feature that you're likely to miss unless you carefully watch the training videos, and even then it sounds like you can still miss it! We're looking to improve discoverability (and functionality) of this great feature in the near future.