Syriac default font

In the mobile app, the Syriac default display font is Serto. On the mobile app I prefer to change it to Estrangelo but there is no option in the mobile app to change the Syriac default font. There are options to change default fonts for Hebrew and Greek even in the mobile app, but in the mobile app there is no option to change the default font for Syriac. Please solve this problem on mobile quickly. Thanks.
Does anyone have a workaround yet for this problem on mobile for Syriac??
Typefaces are tricky. The developers can‘t just pick whichever typeface they want. Instead, they require licenses themselves to be used in various ways. I believe the typeface you reference is from Microsoft. If I understand the terms correctly, the developer would have to pay Microsoft a fee for a certain number of installations. This could be very expensive, especially for something niche in the app.
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Thanks JT.
You drew my attention to license requirements for using Estrangelo in the desktop environment. I already have Estrangelo installed on my Mobile phone through Google Keyboard, so I type easily in Estrangelo on my mobile phone but Logos mobile app does not give me the option to change my Syriac default script to Estrangelo even though I use Estrangelo regularly on my phone outside Logos.
Since I have no problem using Estrangelo script in typing texts on my phone why can't I change my default display font of Syriac to Estrangelo in my Logos mobile app(not desktop app). Logos does not need to install Estrangelo script for me, Logos should only give me the OPTION TO ENABLE ESTRANGELO as default since I have Estrangelo installed personally on my phone already.
I really want this option on my mobile Logos app.
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Thanks JT.
What you're saying here seems to apply to the desktop environment and not the mobile platforms.
I already have Estrangelo font installed on my android phone through Google Keyboard and so I do not need for Logos to install Estrangelo.
I already type readily in Estrangelo outside my Logos app on my phone.
All I need is for Logos to give me an option in the mobile Logos(not desktop version) to make Estrangelo my default Syriac script since I already have Estrangelo installed on my phone. Thanks
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Peter Agboola said:
I already have Estrangelo installed on my Mobile phone through Google Keyboard, so I type easily in Estrangelo on my mobile phone but Logos mobile app does not give me the option to change my Syriac default script to Estrangelo even though I use Estrangelo regularly on my phone outside Logos.
You don’t need the license. Faithlife would need the license. And they would need the license for ever user of the app times the number of apps installed. That wouldn’t be cheap.
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I definitely don't want Logos to become more expensive by having to buy extra licenses.
However I need a little clarification. The picture I uploaded here, shows my Logos mobile screen.
In my mobile Logos app here, you can see both the Estrangelo script and the Serto script.
If Logos does not have the Estrangelo license already, why do I see Estrangelo script in my word searches on Logos mobile?? It looks a little inconsistent to me. I'm sorry for stressing you on this issue...
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Peter Agboola said:
If Logos does not have the Estrangelo license already, why do I see Estrangelo script in my word searches on Logos mobile?? It looks a little inconsistent to me.
I don't know. Maybe they do. Only FL can answer that, but the forums aren't a primary means to correspond with FL directly.
Peter Agboola said:I'm sorry for stressing you on this issue...
No stress here. Wish I could be more help!
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Thank you so much for your help JT.
Can you suggest to me how best to reach FL effectively for a speedy response on the issue? Thanks again in advance 🙂👌.
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Peter Agboola said:
how best to reach FL effectively for a speedy response on the issue
I don't have good news, because I understand that you would like to get in touch with FL and get a quick change. That isn't likely going to happen. [:s]
- You may call customer service and voice your interest. This is the fastest way to "get in touch" with an actual employee.
- You may email FL. My personal experience and hearing things anecdotally is that email often isn't the best way to get a response unless you know the right person to email. For "bugs" you can use the "report a problem", but this isn't a bug.
- You can use feed bear. This is how FL directs users to make suggestions. Users rank suggestion by votes.
It wasn't too long ago that FL added the ability to switch between a few typefaces on mobile. I do understand your issue a bit more now (they have the ability to change for greek and Hebrew). It is possible that they already have this licensed, so would need to "just" create the ability to choose for Syriac. That would be the best case scenario, but if it were easy and cheap, you would wonder why it wasn't already done.
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You have been extremely helpful! Thank you JT 🙂👍👍