ATTN: KYLE - Inconsistent applicaiton of Type and also Series to Christian Basics Bibe Study Series

Simon’s Brother
Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

23 remain as ebooks and are set as type Study Guide, 2 have been converted to Logos Research Editions are set as Monographs.

The two full Logos editions also are set to series title: "Christian Bascis Bible Studies" while the ebooks are set to "Christian Bascis Bible Study".  Based on what is seen on the "Title Pages" of these resources when you open them I believe the Series title used by the ebooks is the one that should be used but I don't have a preference.  And at the end of the day I can and will fix this for my self once I hit send on this post.

But I do expect a this point in time if since you changed the type of the monographs to Study Guide the two Logos Reaserach Editions should also have been changed to type Study Guide. This change is clearly not dependent upon all of the resources being in Logos Research Edition format.  TIA for addressing this issue.


