I don't like if KYLE ... it doesn't work for me

There were a number of Bible study guides that got stuck in Bible Commentary prior to the new category being created for them. These included volumes from the following series
- 3E Ministries Study Guides
- Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Studies Series
- Bible Lessons International
- Byran Williams Bible Study Collection
- Come and See: Catholic Bible Study
- For Everyone Bible Study Guides
- God's Word for You
- John Stott Bible Studies
- Kingdom Series
- Knowing the Bible
- Life and Service Series
- Life Lessons
- A LifeGuide Bible Study
- Not Your Average Bible Study
- Reading the Bible with John Stott
- Standard Bible Studies
- Teach the Bible
- Transformative Word
- Wiersbe's "Be" Series
When you did the major revision 6 weeks ago, your division between Bible Study Guide and Study Guide was pretty wishy-washy ... trusting that the publishers made some distinction in their terminology that was consistent and meaningful. Your rough definition, however, was that the first were by Bible books while the latter were more topical in nature. At the moment the Study Guide type is useless to me because of the Bible studies that are included in it. To me, these belong as Bible studies:
- Beckham, Lee. Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians (Study Guide). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015.
- Akin, Jimmy. Mark: A Liturgical Study Guide. Jimmy Akin, 2014.
- Akin, Jimmy. Mark: A Verse-by-Verse Study Guide. Jimmy Akin, 2014.
- Simmons, Brian. Ephesians: Heaven’s Riches 12-Week Study Guide. Road Racine, WI: Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC, 2016.
- The Reading the Bible as Literature series
- T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament series
- Turning Point Guide series
- Unlocking the Bible Story Study Guide series
I can see no distinguishing characteristics between the titles in the two lists above and those in Bible study guides. So I am stuck using 3 categories in order to get one - and screening Bible Commentaries and Study Guide for garbage results of mixed results
Were the Bible study items removed, then the Study Guide type has a clear use -- topical, theological, and non-Bible text study guides. This would be very useful.
As for the Bible Commentary items, it made sense to overload Bible Commentary with them when no appropriate category existed for them ... but still in actual practice, I screened them out.
Please make an appropriate modification now - while you are still moving items over to the new categories. - you still have 500 titles in the Bible study/Study guide category to go in my library alone ... and there are many more that I do not own.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
From a user oriented perspective, I think that it is simpler and more in accord with default user expectations for 'studies of the Bible' or selected portions thereof to be Type:Bible Study rather than Type:Study Guide, in much the way that commentaries that comment on the Bible are Type:Bible Commentary, while commentaries that comment on some other text(s) are Type:Commentary.
Publishers often seem to work that way as well, if one looks at descriptions of Type:Study Guide resources like Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue ("Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue is a Bible study... This Bible study...."), Prayers of the New Testament: 8 Studies for Individuals or Groups: With Notes for Leaders ("With these Bible studies....") and the rest of the LifeGuide BibleStudy series (including Type:Monograph LLS:LFGDLSTNNGGD), Sacraments in Scripture: Salvation History Made Present ("Sacraments in Scripture: Salvation History Made Present is a Bible study...."), not to mention Type:Monograph works like Live Intimately: Lessons from the Upper Room ("...in this Fresh Life Bible study...") and Women of the Bible: Old Testament ("...makes a great women's Bible study...").
I understand the topical/Bible reference distinction, but if all I have is a book's title, and maybe author, description, and/or series, I would have trouble predicting whether it would be Type:Study Guide or Type:Bible Study (or Type:Monograph) in the present system.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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No argument from me. Those Study Guides look like Bible Study to me. I made a feedback case for them: https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards/logos-resource-updates/posts/change-type-from-study-guide-to-bible-study
As for the Bible Commentaries: I also have no argument. Unfortunately we're in a system that makes it difficult to change their resource type at the moment. For some users there is an expectation that these will show up in the Passage Guide. Changing their type to something besides "Bible Commentary" will break that functionality. Until we're better able to expose Bible Studies as a whole we'll be reluctant to change things from the "Bible Commentary" category.
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SineNomine said:
I understand the topical/Bible reference distinction, but if all I have is a book's title, and maybe author, description, and/or series, I would have trouble predicting whether it would be Type:Study Guide or Type:Bible Study
I have trouble with the distinction between the two types above, and only note that my tag Bible-Study covers type Study-Guide (e.g. "A LifeGuide Bible Study" series), type Bible-Study e.g. "God and His Creation (Genesis 1-11)", types New-Testament-Introduction & Old-Testament-Introduction (e.g. "Exploring the New Testament"), and numerous monographs. However, there are 31 type Study-Guide that I haven't tagged, which would indicate that I'm agnostic to "Study Guide" as most carry that in their Title.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Kyle G. Anderson said:
For some users there is an expectation that these will show up in the Passage Guide. Changing their type to something besides "Bible Commentary" will break that functionality.
I agree and would like to see it show up in the Passage Guide.
Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ
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Ted Hans said:
I agree and would like to see it show up in the Passage Guide.
I'm not quite sure what you mean ... we are talking about the 1-2% of the Bible Study Guides that are Bible Commentaries while the others are either Study Guides or Bible Study Guides (or monographs to be moved to one of those categories). Do you mean you want all Bible Study Guides to appear in the Passage Guide?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Kyle G. Anderson said:
As for the Bible Commentaries: I also have no argument. Unfortunately we're in a system that makes it difficult to change their resource type at the moment. For some users there is an expectation that these will show up in the Passage Guide. Changing their type to something besides "Bible Commentary" will break that functionality. Until we're better able to expose Bible Studies as a whole we'll be reluctant to change things from the "Bible Commentary" category.
I understand your reasoning. However, they represent somewhere around 1-2% of the Bible Study Guide category. When the other 98% are all moved, I would expect the pressure will be to "put them where they belong" ... I'll wait until we are closer to the tipping point.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Dave Hooton said:
I have trouble with the distinction between the two types above, and only note that my tag Bible-Study covers type Study-Guide (e.g. "A LifeGuide Bible Study" series), type Bible-Study e.g. "God and His Creation (Genesis 1-11)", types New-Testament-Introduction & Old-Testament-Introduction (e.g. "Exploring the New Testament"), and numerous monographs. However, there are 31 type Study-Guide that I haven't tagged, which would indicate that I'm agnostic to "Study Guide" as most carry that in their Title.
SineNomine said:I understand the topical/Bible reference distinction, but if all I have is a book's title, and maybe author, description, and/or series, I would have trouble predicting whether it would be Type:Study Guide or Type:Bible Study (or Type:Monograph) in the present system.
I don't think that will be a problem -- current contents more or less including ones to be moved to Bible study
study guides BibliographyNickelsburg, George W. E. Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah (Study Guide). Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2005.
Wood, Jacob W. Do This in Remembrance: An Introduction to the Sacraments. Edited by Emily Stimpson Chapman. Formed in Christ Series. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2019.
Andreades, Sam A. Study Guide for EnGendered: God’s Gift of Gender Difference in Relationship. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
Morales, Cindy. Celebrating Humanae Vitae at 40. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2008.
Jones, Andrew Willard. The Word Became Flesh: An Introduction to Christology. Edited by Emily Stimpson Chapman. Formed in Christ Series. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2019.
Verrecchio, Louie. This Sacred Council: Exploring the Documents of the Second Vatican Council: Lumen Gentium. Vol. 2. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2011.
Jones, Andrew Willard. I Will Build My Church: An Introduction to Ecclesiology. Edited by Emily Stimpson Chapman. Formed in Christ Series. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2019.
Suprenant, Leon J., Jr., and Philip C. L. Gray, eds. Faith Facts: Answers to Catholic Questions. Vol. 2. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2004.
Olson, Carl E. Will Catholics Be “Left Behind”?. Edited by Jennifer Phelps. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2007.
Fruchtenbaum, Arnold. A Study Guide of Israel: Historical and Geographical. Tustin, CA: Ariel Ministries, 1994.
Jones, Andrew Willard, and Louis St. Hilaire. Evidence of Things Unseen: An Introduction to Fundamental Theology. Edited by Emily Stimpson Chapman. Formed in Christ Series. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2019.
Palmer, E. H., and Michael Horton. The Five Points of Calvinism: A Study Guide. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1996.
Bash, Anthony. Forgiveness: A Theology. Vol. 19. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015.
Phelps, Jennifer. Jesus’ Passion: The Story of Redemptive Suffering. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2007.
St. Hilaire, Louis. That You Might Have Life: An Introduction to the Paschal Mystery of Christ. Edited by Emily Stimpson Chapman. Formed in Christ Series. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2019.
Ryken, Leland. Jesus the Hero: A Guided Literary Study of the Gospels. Reading the Bible as Literature. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
Verrecchio, Louie. This Sacred Council: Exploring the Documents of the Second Vatican Council: Apostolicam Actuositatem. Vol. 4. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2012.
George, Elizabeth. Following God with All Your Heart Growth and Study Guide: Believing and Living God’s Plan for You. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2008.
Gray, Tim, and Curtis Martin. Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2001.
Verrecchio, Louie. This Sacred Council: Exploring the Documents of the Second Vatican Council: Sacrosanctum Concilium. Vol. 3. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2011.
Meinert, John, and Emily Stimpson Chapman. Christ Alive in Us: An Introduction to Moral Theology. Formed in Christ Series. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road, 2019.
Ryken, Leland. Short Sentences Long Remembered: A Guided Study of Proverbs and Other Wisdom Literature. Reading the Bible as Literature. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
Connelly, Douglas. The Lord’s Prayer: 8 Studies for Individuals or Groups: With Notes for Leaders. A LifeGuide Bible Study. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Connect: An Imprint of InterVarsity Press, 2003.
Byassee, Jason. Reading Augustine: A Guide to the Confessions. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2006.
Ellsworth, Roger. Face2Face with Simon Peter: Encountering the Preacher at Pentecost. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2007.
Suprenant, Leon. Lent: The Road to Redemption, Cycle B. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2011.
Castelo, Daniel. Theological Theodicy. Vol. 14. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012.
Brian, Rustin E. Jacob Arminius: The Man from Oudewater. Vol. 17. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015.
Verrecchio, Louie. This Sacred Council: Exploring the Documents of the Second Vatican Council: The Opening Speech and Dei Verbum. Vol. 1. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2008.
Elliott, John H. Conflict, Community, and Honor: 1 Peter in Social-Scientific Perspective. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2007.
Ryken, Leland. Sweeter than Honey, Richer than Gold: A Guided Study of Biblical Poetry. Reading the Bible as Literature. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015.
Baab, Lynne M. Prayers of the Old Testament: 8 Studies for Individuals or Groups: With Notes for Leaders. A LifeGuide Bible Study. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Connect: An Imprint of InterVarsity Press, 2010.
Hughes, Chris. Face2Face with Rahab: Encountering the Woman Snatched from Destruction. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2008.
Ellsworth, Roger. Face2Face with Joseph: Encountering the Man Who Saved His People. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2011.
George, Elizabeth. A Woman’s High Calling Growth and Study Guide. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2001.
Howell, Kenneth J. The Eucharist for Beginners: Sacrament, Sacrifice, and Communion. San Diego, CA: Catholic Answers, 2006.
Richards, Larry, Paul Abbe, and Katie McDermott. Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You to Be. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2011.
Radde-Gallwitz, Andrew. Basil of Caesarea: A Guide to His Life and Doctrine. Vol. 16. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012.
Hughes, Chris. Face2Face with Ezra: Encountering God’s Revival Man. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2011.
Robinson, Simon J. Face2Face with Elijah: Encountering Elijah the Fiery Prophet. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2006.
Hahn, Scott, and Mark Shea. El Evangelio de Juan. Edited by Jennifer Phelps. Translated by Ricardo de Silva. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, n.d.
Byassee, Jason. An Introduction to the Desert Fathers. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2007.
Gray, Tim. Sacraments in Scripture: Salvation History Made Present. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2001.
Fowl, Stephen E. Theological Interpretation of Scripture. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2009.
Morales, Cindy. Advent: Preparing for Christ, Cycle A. Catholic Scripture Study. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2010.
Morales, Cindy. Advent: Preparing for Christ, Cycle C. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2009.
Ellsworth, Roger. Face2Face with Samuel: Encountering the King-Maker. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2006.
Morales, Cindy. Advent: Preparing for Christ, Cycle B. Charlotte, NC: Catholic Scripture Study International, 2011.
Richards, W. Larry. Read Greek in 30 Days [or Less]: New Testament, Old Testament, Apocrypha, Philo, Church Fathers. Berrien Springs, MI: Breakthrough Books Company, 2011.
Healey, David. Prayer: An Adventure with God: 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups: With Notes for Leaders. A LifeGuide Bible Study. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Connect: An Imprint of InterVarsity Press, 2002.
McKim, Donald K. John Calvin: A Companion to His Life and Theology. Vol. 25. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015.
Jones, Julia. Face2Face with Tamar, Bathsheba, and Tamar: Encountering Three Women with Messed-Up Lives. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2008.
Anders, Max E., and Max E. Anders. 30 Days to Understanding the Christian Life in 15 Minutes a Day. Nashville: T. Nelson, 1998.
Pipa, Joseph A., Jr. The Westminster Confession of Faith Study Book: A Study Guide for Churches. Fearn, Ross-shire, UK: Christian Focus Publications, 2005.
Dillard, Peter S. A Way into Scholasticism: A Companion to St. Bonaventure’s the Soul’s Journey into God. Vol. 13. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2011.
Suprenant, Leon J., Jr., and Philip C. L. Gray. Faith Facts: Answers to Catholic Questions. Vol. 1. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 1999.
Riswold, Caryn D. Feminism and Christianity: Questions and Answers in the Third Wave. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2009.
Ryken, Leland. Symbols and Reality: A Guided Study of Prophecy, Apocalypse, and Visionary Literature. Reading the Bible as Literature. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
Martin, Ralph, and Emily Stimpson. The Fulfillment of All Desire (Study Guide). Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2010.
Anderson, Clive. Face2Face with Sennacherib: Encounterng Assyria’s Great and Terrifying Ruler. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2007.
Kelly, Geffrey B. Reading Bonhoeffer: A Guide to His Spiritual Classics and Selected Writings on Peace. Vol. 6. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2008.
Ryken, Leland. Letters of Grace & Beauty: A Guided Literary Study of New Testament Epistles. Reading the Bible as Literature. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
Burke, Daniel. Spiritual Direction and the Journey to God (Study Guide). Navigating the Interior Life. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2014.
Pecknold, C. C. Christianity and Politics: A Brief Guide to the History. Vol. 12. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2010.
Curley, Marie Paul, and Mary Lea Hill. Saints Alive!: The Gospel Witnessed. Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media, 2013.
Smith, Abraham. Mark: An Introduction and Study Guide (Shaping the Life and Legacy of Jesus). Edited by Tat-siong Benny Liew. Vol. 2. T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament. London; Oxford; New York; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury T&T Clark: An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017.
Smith, Colin. Unlocking the Bible Story Study Guide Volume 1. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2004.
Smith, Colin. Unlocking the Bible Story Study Guide Volume 3. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2004.
Smith, Colin. Unlocking the Bible Story Study Guide Volume 2. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2004.
Congdon, David W. Rudolf Bultmann: A Companion to His Theology. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015.
Smith, Colin. Unlocking the Bible Story Study Guide Volume 4. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2004.
deSilva, David A. The Letter to the Hebrews in Social-Scientific Perspective. Vol. 15. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012.
Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life: A Study Guide Based on the Book. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1994.
Simmons, Brian. Ephesians: Heaven’s Riches 12-Week Study Guide. Road Racine, WI: Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC, 2016.
Curley, Marie Paul, and Mary Lea Hill. Saints Alive!: The Faith Proclaimed. Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media, 2013.
Aichele, George. Letters of Jude and Second Peter: An Introduction and Study Guide (Paranoia and the Slaves of Christ). Edited by Adrian Curtis. Vol. 19. T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament. London; Oxford; New York; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury T&T Clark: An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; Bloomsbury, 2017.
Winter, Jim. Face2Face with Elisha: Encountering the Messenger of Salvation. Edited by Simon J. Robinson. Face2Face Series. Leominster: Day One Publications, 2008.
Hunt, Hannah. A Guide to St. Symeon the New Theologian. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015.
Gorman, Michael J. Reading Paul. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2008.
Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler. 1 Peter: An Introduction and Study Guide (Reading against the Grain). Edited by Tat-siong Benny Liew. Vol. 18. T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament. London; Oxford; New York; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury T&T Clark: An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; Bloomsbury, 2017.
Littlejohn, W. Bradford. Richard Hooker: A Companion to His Life and Work. Cascade Companions. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015.
Wainwright, Elaine M., Robert J. Myles, and Carlos Olivares. The Gospel according to Matthew: An Introduction and Study Guide (Basileia of the Heavens Is near at Hand). Edited by Tat-siong Benny Liew. Vol. 1. T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament. London; Oxford; New York; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury T&T Clark: An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017.
Twomey, Jay. 2 Corinthians: An Introduction and Study Guide (Crisis and Conflict). Edited by Tat-siong Benny Liew. Vol. 8. T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament. London; Oxford; New York; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury T&T Clark: An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2017.
Ascough, Richard S. 1 & 2 Thessalonians: An Introduction and Study Guide (Encountering the Christ Group at Thessalonike). Edited by Tat-siong Benny Liew. Vol. 13. T&T Clark Study Guides to the New Testament. London; Oxford; New York; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury T&T Clark: An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc; Bloomsbury, 2017.
Exported from Verbum, 1:54 PM April 28, 2021.Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Do you mean you want all Bible Study Guides to appear in the Passage Guide?
No not really.
I have found that the Bible Study Guides that already appear in the Passage Guide have been useful and would not like their removal. I was not referring to all Bible Study Guides.
Kind regards
Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ