Need Help Understanding How to Use and What to Expect to see in the Context Menu associated with the

I'm trying to understand how to see the Context Menu information as described in the Dataset Documentation associated with the Messianic Prophecy Dataset.
My library includes the referenced resource requirements:
Matt 21:5 is a fulfilled Messianic Prophecy
I don't see anything calling out that is the case (thought I would see #3 above), so right click and get the Context Menu
Don't see anything referencing Messianic Prophecy (thought I'd see #1/#2 above)
If I do open "Show more information" and go down to Other References, I do finally see a reference. But that isn't real obvious or intuitive.
I went to New Testament Use of the Old Testament to see if I could find some correlation, scrolled thru the filters, but didn't see anything that would at least give me a comprehensive listing.
What am I missing? I would expect to see something that would visually trigger in the verse or the Context Menu that the verse selected is a fulfillment of Messianic Prophecy. FYI, I did look at the Visual Filter setting to see if there was some selection I needed to make, but didn't see anything that caught my attention.
Please advise.
Eugene Nowak said:
Don't see anything referencing Messianic Prophecy (thought I'd see #1/#2 above)
If you expand the Label section in the Context Menu (click the small arrow to the left of Accent) you should see the Messianic Prophecy entry
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Thanks for the response. Still have another question. I had looked at another verse before snipping one for the example that I knew was a fulfilled Messianic Prophecy. On that one, expanded all the items in the left side menu and didn't see the label, but that verse may not have been one that was indexed. But it may not have been indexed accordingly.
Question... The icon on the left is the key to solve the puzzle, right? I'm guessing tis icon is for Labels. Is there someplace that lists and defines all the icons used? I looked in Helps, didn't find anything. Please advise.
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Eugene Nowak said:
Is there someplace that lists and defines all the icons used?
I don't believe there is - it has been requested.
The best I have seen is at
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I've noticed some are self-defining when you make the selection, others not so much so. I'll be patient for the requested list, in the mean time I'll start logging them