BUG: Highlighting

I created a highlighting style that was supposed to put HSB in capsule before the text. For some reason, sometimes it highlights the entire verse or range and sometimes it does what it is supposed to do. See screenshot below. Very confusing. In some cases, if I have a range that spans several verses, all the verses are completely highlighted and I cannot tell what makes it work in some cases and not in others. See screen shot below. As you can see, in several cases, the capsule is in front of the text, and in some cases, all the text is highlighted. How do I get it to work?
Another example from a different highlighting style, also a capsule set to before text.
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From your screenshot it looks as though whether or not a pericope heading is included might be making a difference.
Can you post a screenshot showing your highlighting style definition?
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cshover8669 said:
I created a highlighting style that was supposed to put HSB in capsule before the text. For some reason, sometimes it highlights the entire verse or range and sometimes it does what it is supposed to do. See screenshot below. Very confusing
From the screenshot, you are highlighting in the HCSB. Gen 13:17 has a different highlight style because the text is UPPER CASE. Or you may have applied two styles. Open the Notes tool and check what highlighting it has for Gen 13:17 in HCSB
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I have figured this out and it is definitely a BUG. Thanks for helping me to identify it.
If I have a note for a reference that crosses chapters, like Gen 13:17-14:1 as an anchor, or I have two anchors, but in chapters right next to each other, it does this. Doesn't matter how many capsules, or different notebooks it is in.
On Gen 13:17-14:1, I tried creating an anchor for Gen 13:17-18, and another one for Gen 14:1 in the same note and it did not fix the problem.
When I anchored that note only to Gen 13:17-18 and removed 14:1, then created a new note and copied the text into it and anchored it only to 14:1, problem solved. Does not happen with multiple anchors, non-consecutive, but does happen with a single note where the anchor crosses chapters or another anchor is in the next chapter.
So I guess I have to find all these and duplicate the notes if the anchors cross chapters. What a Pain!! It did not happen ever before so I am not sure what changed. I have been using capsule highlight styles for years, mostly in visual filters, which may be why I hadn't seen it before. I guess I have my work cut out for me.
Thanks for the suggestion, that at least helped me figure out exactly when it happens. Still a bug though....
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Just proved it out. I had a note that was anchored to Gen 16-21 about Hagar and Ishmael, and the whole 6 chapters of Genesis were highlighted instead of putting a capsule at the beginning or in front of each verse. I changed the anchor to just Gen 16 and made sure the entire range was somewhere in the note, and the issue disappeared.
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Thanks for the report. I've created a case for this bug.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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cshover8669 said:
Thanks for the suggestion, that at least helped me figure out exactly when it happens. Still a bug though....
Glad I was able to stimulate something further. I just reproduced the bug by highlighting across two chapters.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I have stopped anchoring notes to references across chapters and that has solved the problem in my preferred Bible, the HCSB. However, it is annoying to have to anchor it to just the first verse and then start the note out with the entire range. HCSB looks good.
However, when I open the Bible browser, I am still seeing the issue even though my note anchors are not crossing chapters. See screen print below. The verse range for the anchor is Rom 1:18-32. If I want to use the Bible Browser, I am going to have to now remember to turn off all visual filters in my preferred Bible first. Not exactly what I would prefer. Thanks, Carla