Verbum 9 Tip: Aside: Practice searches

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,814
edited November 2024 in English Forum

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Aside: Practice searches

Because some of these search require serious thought, I am offering fewer searches at a time. Remember that the searches can also be run through the Command Box or Inline Search.

How do I find occurrences where lemma:αγων occurs with g:διὰ?

Remember that you can enter a Greek word transliterated into the Latin (Roman) alphabet. Both the word form and the lemma form are then available for selection.

Search arguments (3 options):

  • ·        <Lemma = lbs/el/ἀγών> BEFORE 1 WORD διὰ (for a morphology search)
  • <Lemma = lbs/el/ἀγών> BEFORE 1 WORDS <Lemma = lbs/el/διά> (here bother terms are in lemma form; for a morphology search)
  • (([field bible, content] <Lemma = lbs/el/ἀγών>) BEFORE 1 WORDS ([field bible, content] <Lemma = lbs/el/διά>)) (here it is set to run as a Bible search)

P25-1 Lemma Before Morph
P25-2 Lemma Before Morph B


How do I find all occurrences of נאם יהוה (announcement of YHWH)?

A solution from Mark Barnes:[1]

Remember you’ll want a phrase search because a proximity search will count each word separately, inflating your count.

Search arguments:

  • lemma:נְאֻם BEFORE 4 CHARS lemma:יהוה (note the count is high)
  • "lemma:נְאֻם lemma:יהוה" (preferred form)

P25-3 Hebrew Phrase

How do I search for a noun with particular suffixes  (e.g. פַּנֶה "face" + 1cs suffix אֲנִי -> "my face")?

A solution from Dave Hooton:[2]

There are two ways, because not all morphologies cater for suffixes  i.e. Noun+pronomial suffix. Use Morph Search.

In Lexham Hebrew Bible try lemma:פָּנֶה  BEFORE 1 CHAR lemma:אֲנִי@R?1?S

In BHW 4.18 try lemma:פָּנֶה@n????+S1?s

How to contain that to a specific meaning, "my face" is another matter

x BEFORE 1 CHAR y constrains y to be a suffix, as a 2 CHAR separation would allow a space between the words i.e. "x y" instead of "xy"

lemma:פָּנֶה@n????+S1?s allows you to specify the noun, whilst the pronomial suffix S1?s is first person, singular, same as the pronoun for LHB.

P25-4 By Suffix

How do I search for attributive adjectives preceded by a definite article?

A solution from Dave Hooton:[3]

A Morph Search for @D BEFORE 1 word @J will work provided you have a Greek bible with morphology like NA27; @D is the article (for more explanation see wiki For the "Attributive" use in relation to nouns (@N) you can be more precise  eg.

@N BEFORE 1 word @D BEFORE 1 word @J


@D BEFORE 1 word @J BEFORE 1 word @N

P25-6 Article B

[1] Morph search - double verse results (count) (This before that) original language - Faithlife Forums ( 6/1/2021 3:56 PM

[2] Hebrew morph search, nouns with suffixes - Faithlife Forums ( accessed 6/1/2021 3:54 PM

[3] Morph Search - Faithlife Forums ( accessed 6/1/2021 4:27 PM

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."



  • MJ. Smith said:

    How do I search for attributive adjectives preceded by a definite article?

    A solution from Dave Hooton:[3]

    A Morph Search for @D BEFORE 1 word @J will work provided you have a Greek bible with morphology like NA27; @D is the article (for more explanation see wiki For the "Attributive" use in relation to nouns (@N) you can be more precise  eg.

    @N BEFORE 1 word @D BEFORE 1 word @J


    @D BEFORE 1 word @J BEFORE 1 word @N

    P25-6 Article B

    Morph Searches can be combined:


    Reverse Interlinear alignment can change original language word order: e.g. Matthew 3:17, Matthew 7:17, Matthew 8:32 are results of aligning Greek words to English translation order.

    FWIW: Hebrew word formation is a bit different than Greek. Syntax Search of Andersen-Forbes Phrase Marker Analysis Dataset does not have "attributive adjective" while Segment does have Construct (for Simple Phrase).

    Learned this Morph Search has the same results using Bible Search (using Verbum 9.6 Beta 1)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,814

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."