QUESTION: Searching sermons documents

Beloved Amodeo said:Hope this helps. Taken from Searchable Labels in Logos Help:
SermonLabels a single sermon in a collection of sermons. A search for this label populates the "Sermons" guide section.
• Creator ~ "..." — normalized name of the person who developed and delivered the sermon
• Title ~ "..." — name given to the sermon by its creator
• Subtitle ~ "..." — ancillary title information given by its creator
• Series ~ "..." — series in which the sermon was originally preached, if any
• References ~ <Bible ...> — Bible references for the sermon as a whole
• Date ~ <Date ...> — when the sermon was first delivered
• Liturgical Date ~ <LiturgicalDate ...> — typically the liturgical date when the sermon was first deliveredFor example:
• {Label Sermon WHERE Author ~ "Charles H. Spurgeon" AND References ~ <Bible Romans 5-7>}
• {Label Sermon WHERE Title ~ "Signs of the King" AND Creator ~ "Timothy J. Keller" AND References ~ <Bible Acts 2:37-47> AND Date ~ <Date Aug 13, 1989> AND Series ~ "The King and the Kingdom"}
Logos Help. (2016). Bellingham, WA: Faithlife.
Andrew Batishko said:Currently the following Sermon Label attributes are supported for searching Sermon documents:
- Title
- Creator
- References
I've created a case to make the Series and Date attributes also searchable.
In addition to doing a label search (which will also return sermons that have been tagged in your library), you can also do a search that finds values in specific fields. The following fields are supported:
Beloved Amodeo said:Hope this helps. Taken from Searchable Labels in Logos Help:
SermonLabels a single sermon in a collection of sermons. A search for this label populates the "Sermons" guide section.
• Creator ~ "..." — normalized name of the person who developed and delivered the sermon
• Title ~ "..." — name given to the sermon by its creator
• Subtitle ~ "..." — ancillary title information given by its creator
• Series ~ "..." — series in which the sermon was originally preached, if any
• References ~ <Bible ...> — Bible references for the sermon as a whole
• Date ~ <Date ...> — when the sermon was first delivered
• Liturgical Date ~ <LiturgicalDate ...> — typically the liturgical date when the sermon was first deliveredFor example:
• {Label Sermon WHERE Author ~ "Charles H. Spurgeon" AND References ~ <Bible Romans 5-7>}
• {Label Sermon WHERE Title ~ "Signs of the King" AND Creator ~ "Timothy J. Keller" AND References ~ <Bible Acts 2:37-47> AND Date ~ <Date Aug 13, 1989> AND Series ~ "The King and the Kingdom"}
Logos Help. (2016). Bellingham, WA: Faithlife.
- title
- author
- church
- series
- date - I think this may be document creation date, not the occasion date
- tag topic
- tag passage
- audience
- description
- notes
- content
I'll create a case to add the occasion date and venue fields as well.
Some example searches would be:
- series:"In the Beginning"
- [field tag topic]love
- [field date]<Date second half of 2016>
Have speaker, service and Liturgy been added as searchable fields?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
MJ. Smith said:
Have speaker, service and Liturgy been added as searchable fields?
Not sure about Speaker (use Creator?) or Service (?). Might be a case of what sermons have been tagged with the fields outside of Creator, Date, References and Title. And not all type:sermon resources are even tagged.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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[:$] Oops, I didn't notice that the quotes didn't make it clear they are speaking of sermon documents not sermon resources. I clarified the title.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."