How to add Subject data to work with PB's when Filtering library?

Hey all,
I'm not even sure how this works...but, when I filter my library by subject, such as: Bible, N.T., Romans I'm not seeing any of my PB resources, tho some of them actually use Subject Heading: Rommans Commentary while compiling..I wonder if there's any structure that I need to follow...
But I guess because I don't have Bible, N.T. nowhere in my Subject Heading, it's not populating when using the filter.
Anyone knows what the structure for this filter is? thank you
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Of course [H], I've made more than 200 PBs by now...this is more Metadata related than conversion related.
For example, I've put Bible N.T. as Subject Heading...but now I have both of them in my filter...mine with 1 book and Logos with 18.
So I'm wondering what is the proper syntax when entering Subject description before conversion...should I separate them by ; or is there another structure. Thank you
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Daniel Wurzberg said:
I've put Bible N.T. as Subject Heading...but now I have both of them in my filter...mine with 1 book and Logos with 18.
It looks like you put Bible N.T without the second period.
It is possible to have a subject line for all PB commentaries that looks like in many of the library resources - however, we don't have any subject content for edition:eBook and we can't change the subject field in the library.
Thus I personally don't trust subjects for bible commentaries, but tagged all bible commentaries and other bible-book-related resources with a special mytag (like #01 - Gen, #02 - Ex ... #61 - Mt, #62 - Mk...).
EDIT: another thought: since you already filtered for bible commentaries, there's actually no point in filtering for subject:"Bible N.T." when you intend to go on with filtering for Romans. But in your library by far the most commentaries have the subject field empty, so maybe tagging really would be the way to go.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Ah, thank you for catching that missing . I'll see if it works.
Actually, how Logos res work is you filter for Bible N.T. first, and then you pick Romans and get all you Romans commentaries. Now, I'm not sure if I need to have Romans in Subject heading as well, and how to separate the two. My First try was Bible N.T., Romans but that just made one long name of "Bible N.T. Romans"...these almost seem to be working like tags with hierarchy. If that makes sense.
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Daniel Wurzberg said:
these almost seem to be working like tags with hierarchy. If that makes sense.
yes (and it's special for the subject field). But you are not required to follow the hierarchy by picking the facets, you can directly filter for subject:Romans
Have joy in the Lord!
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I know...I'm just trying to make my PBs work as much as possible as Logos original ress...this was part of setting up a Libraray shortcut which would open to all my Commentaries>Bible N.T.>Romans
So whenever I add more stuff on Romans it would autopopulate. But it seems when compiling a PB you can't add the same amount of MetaData as is present in Logos Research editions. Which is ok, but sitll wondering fi there's a work around.
What I would really appreciate is a drop down of Series when making a PB, so I can pick from existing Series when compiling new titles, not worrying about spelling.
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Daniel Wurzberg said:
I know...I'm just trying to make my PBs work as much as possible as Logos original ress...this was part of setting up a Libraray shortcut which would open to all my Commentaries>Bible N.T.>Romans
I've seen that Morris Proctor post - but actually it works for any filter, not only the subject facets. The operative thing (not detailed in the post, but visible from the screenshot) is to have the library in a panel or in a floating window to get the filter being persistent in the shortcut - but it works well with direct subject-filtering or filtering for tags.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Yes, that was from a MP webinar...that got me into looking my other PB's to see if they would show up. Anyways, thanks for your help
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If you change your library view to Details (using the button just to the right of the Store button), then you can right click on the headings and add "Subjects" this will let you view the Subjects that have been defined for your other resources. Select a subject you want to mimic, then take a look at how your other resources define their subject.
Generally, multiple subjects are separated with a semi-colon. Levels of subject hierarchy are mostly separated with a double minus sign, but there are some exceptions, notably the Bible. N.T. (note the punctuation carefully) is joined to the Bible book with just a space.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Now, this is some insider information ;-)
Works like a charm!
Thank you Andrew!
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I'm back... :-)
The books which cover two epistles only show up for the first one...but not the second one.
Bible. N.T. 1 Corintians--Commentries.; Bible. N.T. 2 Corintians--Commentaries.
They look ok, and they do not show up as one long string... but the filter only works for the 1Cor and it never shows under 2Cor
Any ideas?
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Daniel Wurzberg said:
Bible. N.T. 1 Corintians--Commentries.; Bible. N.T. 2 Corintians--Commentaries.
Daniel Wurzberg said:Bible. N.T. 1 Corinthians--Commentaries.; Bible. N.T. 2 Corinthians--Commentaries.
I'm wondering whether it's just typos...
I tried with a PB that is a commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians. To employ two such subjects, I added the field Subject Heading twice and put in
Bible. N.T. 1 Thessalonians--Commentaries. and Bible. N.T. 1 Thessalonians--Commentaries. , respectively:
Thus the subject field looks exactly like a recent Logos-bought commentary on those two letters - and it works the same, too, when selecting either first or second Thess after Bible N.T. in the library facets. No issues at all.Have joy in the Lord!
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Ah, not sure why I didn't think abou that...I was putting it into a single line...tnx bro
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Glad to help!
Have joy in the Lord!