Logos is Horribly BROKEN and Loaded with BUGS (Desktop) ***URGENT ATTENTION REQUIRED***

I'm going to document the multiple user feature failures I am encountering in both Logos Desktop and Logos Mobile. Many of these issues consist of once present features that have vanished, some of which are basic functionality, meaning the program DOES NOT WORK if they are not present. Most of this has been noticed since L9 came out. Most will be associated with Notes, since that one of my most utilized features. This list just keeps getting longer and longer the more areas of the program I explore. Some of these issues are localized to either Desktop or Mobile, while others seem to cross that barrier.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
In Notes, fonts that are included in the input window are ignored in the note pop-up.
The input window is on the right...the pop-up is on the left. The font in the pop-up is wretched and hard to read. This BUG appears to occur in both Desktop and Mobile.
I may make another post for this later, but in general the MAJORITY of formatting that I have created in my notes spanning about a dozen years has VANISHED from my notes. This is an is unequivocal disaster for my work flow and user experience. I feel like I've been robbed.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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In Notes, the spellcheck has no option for "ignoring" non-English data, nor an option for "adding to dictionary". That means that notes are riddled with obtrusive red lines. The only option for removing the lines is to turn off Spellcheck. That is a BUG and isn't acceptable.
I don't know if this is a problem in Mobile since as far as I can tell, there isn't (as far as I can determine) a spellcheck option in Mobile Notes. Also, unacceptable.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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Along the same line as above, words that have a footnote attached get flagged by the spellchecker, causing the annoying red lines. I mentioned this in another thread about 2-3 months ago and a FL employee said it seemed like a coding BUG to him. I concur. It still remains a problem without a solution.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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Hi David,
I’m sorry you are experiencing problems with your notes. I wanted to try to summarize the bugs you are reporting. I’ve actually not yet been able to reproduce them.
* Hebrew text is changed from Right-to-Left to a Left-to-Right.
* Footnotes are included in spell-check.
* Non-English words are included in spell-check, but cannot be added to the dictionary
Could you provide some information:
* A screenshot of your Program Settings panel so I can see what meeting you have selected.
* Are you using the default notes font?
* You said the majority of the formatting you’ve made has been lost, can you clarify what types of formatting you are talking about (i.e. bold, italic, font color, etc.).
* Does this just affect older fonts or your newer ones?
* Did you see this issue in Logos 8?
Thanks for your help,
Philana0 -
Looking at the screenshot below, notice the 12 note icons. Most of these were imported from L3 years ago. They have remained in the same order in L3 since the day they were created, but after being uploaded to the Logos server for insertion in subsequent versions of Logos, the order of these notes has been scrambled, though not all at once.
The pic above is my desktop. On my Mobile device, the initial Lt. Green occurs in the second-to-last position between the Dk. Green and the Cyan. How did it change? How can I change it back? The order of these notes is intended to be viewed in consecutive left-to-right order, and so random changes in the order completely sabotage my work flow and presentation capability. The fact is, though, that the order of both of these note sequences is now drastically out of order from what it was originally. Notes that were originally on the left side are now mostly on the right. Why? How?
Problems associated with this post include:
1) random unexplained changes in note order
2) Lack of correspondence between Desktop and Mobile appsASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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I mentioned part of this issue in another thread a week or two ago. I had a note with Dt. 33:8 already included--to demonstrate the problem, I went to Dt. 33:8 in my NASB and highlighted it and copied and pasted it into the note window. Look at the disaster that resulted.
Just to be clear, I have always needed to do some cleaning up of the raw paste to get the appearance I prefer. The marginal verse references are usually deleted, but the footnotes retained. The vast changes in what gets pasted now compared to in the paste, however, would multiply the amount of time and effort to achieve my purpose by a factor of 2 or 3 at minimum, and some things are simply beyond replication.
1...yellow) The indention formatting is completely lost for the body text. How can I fix this? I don't think I can.
2...blue in note window) Two issues: the font size of the superscript is the same as the note text...gigantic compared to the previous note; there is now a space between the superscript footnote number and the following text...something that has never occurred before in more than a decade. Why?
3...orange) Again, for the first time since I've owned Logos (almost 25 years), there is a doubling of the footnote/margin note letters/numbers. Why? Deleting that extra text, extended over years of note creation, will add up to hours of wasted time.
4...green) For some reason, Deut doesn't flag the spellchecker, but Dt does. (Ironically, it is exactly the opposite here in the forum.) This is purely a function of FL's in-house protocols. FIX IT.
5...red) Similar to above, Ps does flag the note spellchecker, but it doesn't here in the forum. Weird, very very weird.
6...purple) The titles of cited resources have NEVER pasted as hotlinks at any time in the past...but now, suddenly they do in Notes. WHY???? Also, there has never been a footnote attached to the title of a Bible in notes, but now...? Again, removing the hyperlink from the title will steal hours and hours and hours of time over the course of years of note creation.Besides all of the above issues, there are a number of random variations in font size when the two notes are compared.
This is just ONE NOTE. Why has all of this changed?????
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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Philana R. Crouch said:
Could you provide some information:
* A screenshot of your Program Settings panel so I can see what meeting you have selected.
* Are you using the default notes font?NOTE FONT:
The majority of my notes are in the default font, but I do occasionally make changes, especially for FL fonts, typically SBL Hebrew and Gentium (Gk). In L3, I always bumped Greek text to 14 and Hebrew text to 18. As far as I remember, those transferred into L4-8 correctly, but now all of that has been wiped out.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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Philana R. Crouch said:
* You said the majority of the formatting you’ve made has been lost, can you clarify what types of formatting you are talking about (i.e. bold, italic, font color, etc.).
All of the above.
Philana R. Crouch said:* Does this just affect older fonts or your newer ones?
Not sure what you're asking. In my experience, most of the text content that gets pasted into notes today is at variance with the content of times past.
Philana R. Crouch said:* Did you see this issue in Logos 8?
Yes and no. Until recently, I have worked almost exclusively in L3 (95%) because it handles notes in the way I require. I have noticed forum users talking about certain changes to Notes that made me investigate if I could migrate from L3 to L9. Also, I recently purchased a tablet that has me using the Mobile app for the first time, so I am investigating and using the Notes there. I have long noticed that L4-8 notes didn't function and display the same as they do in L3, but I haven't stressed over the variations too much as long as L3 functioned as I needed. Once Vista was deprecated and Libronix was deplatformed, continuing with L3 has become increasingly problematic.
Anyway, I have noticed that some of these issues did occur in previous versions, but the majority of the issues seem to have appeared since upgrading to L9, in particular the nearly complete loss of formatting data. I do occasionally find a note migrated from L3 that has retained some formatting (such as larger text and bolded font), but most of that kind of formatting is just gone.
Perhaps even more disconcerting than the failures associated with Notes is the fact that I have dozens of books in progress that have been formatted based on the particular functioning of L3 (mostly) but also earlier versions prior to L9. For the most part, material copied from L3 into Word and from other versions into Word both functioned in ways that provided an acceptable starting point for editing. The last time I tried importing text from L9 into Word, however, the results were (to me, at least) catastrophic. Not necessarily identical to the problems I am having pasting into Notes, but of a similar nature. If I recall, I was unable to get footnotes and citations to copy properly into Word. I haven't tried copying into Word recently, because I have been working extensively on my new tablet trying to clean up my thousands of notes from Genesis to Revelation, which has taken weeks leading into months.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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David Paul said:
Until recently, I have worked almost exclusively in L3 (95%) because it handles notes in the way I require.
How recently did you use L3 and how did you get that content in Logos 9? We deprecated importing Libronix documents in Logos 8.
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It's probably been at least 2 years since I tried importing L3 notes, because I know the L3 servers have been shut down.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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David Paul said:
Yes and no. Until recently, I have worked almost exclusively in L3 (95%) because it handles notes in the way I require. I have noticed forum users talking about certain changes to Notes that made me investigate if I could migrate from L3 to L9. Also, I recently purchased a tablet that has me using the Mobile app for the first time, so I am investigating and using the Notes there. I have long noticed that L4-8 notes didn't function and display the same as they do in L3, but I haven't stressed over the variations too much as long as L3 functioned as I needed. Once Vista was deprecated and Libronix was deplatformed, continuing with L3 has become increasingly problematic.
Anyway, I have noticed that some of these issues did occur in previous versions, but the majority of the issues seem to have appeared since upgrading to L9, in particular the nearly complete loss of formatting data. I do occasionally find a note migrated from L3 that has retained some formatting (such as larger text and bolded font), but most of that kind of formatting is just gone.
I'm sorry for not replying earlier. This has been very difficult to even try to reproduce. If you were using L3 recently, then how did you get those notes in L9? Are you saying you copied the text from L3 to Word and then into L9? You mentioned that you noticed issues as far back as L4. The problem is in trying to reproduce this it's unclear as to where and when the changes happened. Users have not reported that type of issue in copying from Word.
What version of Word have you been using?
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I don't remeber exactly when the last time I imported L3 notes was. I missed the forum alert Bradley made about the L3 servers being shut down near the end of 2018 or 2019, so it was probably half-a-year to a year prior to that. Nevertheless, the L3 notes I did import displayed many alterations and errors. One big problem was that I had multiple duplicates of many of my notes. Some were doubles that occurred in the same Note file, and some were duplicates that were in duplicated Note files, for instance, one file labeled Gospels and another labeled Gospels (2). I never personally created a Gospel (2) file; it was created automatically.
When I first began this thread back in June, I had purchased a tablet in March and started playing around with using the tablet to doctor my notes in L9. I used the tablet to do some of this work because for some reason the mobile app still keeps many of the formatting choices when data is copied and pasted that the desktop app has persistently ignored and/or deleted since I downloaded L9. I began deleting my multiple note files starting in April and just finished earlier this month. It took me about 6 months to accomplish that one task, focusing weeks of full-time energy to it, because I have thousands of note files. I also cleaned up the notes I kept, which included deleting thousands of unwanted added line breaks that were auto inserted into my notes going back to L4.
I wanted to get my current L9 notes as clean as possible before starting to address these other issues, and I now feel ready to tackle these remaining problems. One huge problem has been the loss of many of my formatting choices. This occurs both within my L9 notes and also when I try to import data from L9 into Word. I haven't really attempted to try copying and pasting into Word recently because of my focus on Note repair. I will play around with both Notes and copying into Word and give you an update on what issues I am still noticing.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.