Logos version for macOS 10.13.6

Please help. I am stuck.
I reported to Customer Service but they recommended that I ask for help in the Forum.
I had a working Logos on my MacBook Air that the highest macOS is macOS 10.13.6
I responded to the instructions on Logos to upgrade to Logos 9. Which deleted my old working copy of Logos.
I am not able to install the new download because it does not support macOS 10.13 High Sierra on my MacBook.
" src="blob:https://community.logos.com/9e8b453c-567b-4ab5-a2fe-3586c807226d" alt="PastedGraphic-1.tiff" apple-inline="yes" class="Apple-web-attachment">
When I tried to reinstall with Logos 8, which I downloaded. It does not start. I get this error message.
" src="blob:https://community.logos.com/f488d432-f094-41b8-93f9-212b27a034cc" alt="PastedGraphic-2.tiff" apple-inline="yes" class="Apple-web-attachment">
Please help. I used to have a working version of Logos and now I am stuck.
My MacBook Air that can only run macOS 10.13.6 . It is the latest computer that I have.
Please, how to I download a version on logos 9 that works with macOS 10.14.6
Thank you in advance for your help
Hi Christopher.
Welcome to the forums
I am surprised that customer service directed you here.
I think if you go back to them and ask for a link to download Logos 8 they should be able to provide one.
You might also complain that the installer should have detected your OS and warned you before proceeding.
There may be somebody here who can point you to the link but it might be quicker to go back to Customer Service with the specific request (for a link to Logos 8) and keep asking to speak to a supervisor until you run into a chap called Bob who owns the company.
It is not acceptable for software to destroy a working installation without checking that a new one can be installed.
tootle pip
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Welcome to the forums Chris! [:)] Sorry you are having troubles. [:s]
Christopher Loo said:how to I download a version on logos 9 that works with macOS 10.14.6
For clarification, you meant "10.13.6," right?
Christopher Loo said:I reported to Customer Service but they recommended that I ask for help in the Forum.
Was this on a phone call?
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You might find the links at https://wiki.logos.com/Logos_Downloads_Archive#Last_Stable_version_for_OS_X_10.2e11_.28El_Capitan.29.2c_macOS_10.2e12_.28Sierra.29.2c_macOS_10.2e13_.28High_Sierra.29.3a useful
But if you have some of Logos 9 installed that would need to removed first.
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Graham Criddle said:
But if you have some of Logos 9 installed that would need to removed first.
If his computer isn't eligible to receive the update, it shouldn't have. However, we have had more than a couple of these posts suggesting that there may be some sort of bug allowing people to "install" an "uninstallable" application.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Christopher Loo said:
I had a working Logos on my MacBook Air that the highest macOS is macOS 10.13.6
An idea for MacBook Air is seeing if macOS Mojave Patcher => https://dosdude1.com/mojave can be used: recommend reading requirements and notes, do a complete backup of macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra, followed by installing macOS 10.14 Mojave using Patched installer.
Thankful macOS Mojave patcher successfully upgraded macOS 10.13 High Sierra to macOS 10.14 Mojave on an older 2010 Mac Mini (Apple supports macOS Mojave on Late 2012 or newer Mac Mini models).
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