Read aloud feature

When I first got Logos, the read aloud feature would read the book I selected until I stopped it. Now, when I start the read aloud in a book, it reads a sentence or two, then it pauses, but never starts to read again. If I start to scroll, it will start to read again at the top of the page, then pauses again. How could I fix this issue? Thanks for any support.
Hi Richard - and welcome to the forums
Sorry to hear you are having problems.
I've just checked (using a resource at random) and it worked fine for me. Some questions:
- What platform are you running on (I tested on Windows)?
- Which version of Logos 9 are you running?
- Does this problem happen with all resources or just specific ones?
Thanks, Graham
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Hi Graham,
I am on Windows 10. My Logos version is Software Features, all Logos 9 features. Base package library, Logos 7 Library. Why does it show as Logos 7 library? When I just tried to open a random book and do read aloud, it read the first paragraph, then paused and never started back.
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Hi Graham,
I figured it out. I had my AirPods connected, and when I disconnected them, it worked over my Laptop speakers. Then I reconnected my AirPods and changed the output settings, now it works. Thanks for your comment.
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Hi Richard
Glad you have it sorted