Why would I have ESV audio in my libaray if I don't own it ?

It tells me to check my Internet connection. I click on more help and it told me to expand the content click on overview. Then from the menu panel delete all download media then download all media. I am missing the option to delete or download media. So does this mean I don't own ESV Audio? If that's the case why when I type ESV it shows English Standard Version with a speaker next to it? Then under that it says English Standard Version Audio. I just looked it up on Logos,com and it says open in logos you own it. How do I get it?
ESV Audio works on my android phone logos app that is strange. Not on my PC or web app.
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Randall Lind said:
So does this mean I don't own ESV Audio?
Correct... no one owns this resource. The publisher gives it to you free, as a "streaming only" resource. To use it, you must be connected to the internet.
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I am connected esv audio will only work on my phone. That's fine. I will call Logos and ask them about the PC.
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Called Logos and they said due to license they can only offer it on the phone app. Streaming only. Which is cool. It sounds better then using the system voice on my computer even @ 1.5x. When I read my bible I will use my phone. I like to listen vs reading I am on a 90 days journey reading the bible.
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Randall Lind said:
Called Logos and they said due to license they can only offer it on the phone app. Streaming only.
They are mistaken or you are mistaken. It does work on desktop. Does THIS show as owned to you? If it does, and if you can't get it to work, it is either a bug, a user setting, or user error. You will have to play around and trouble shoot.
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I clicked on help and it toldf me in the menu to delete all media file then download. I am missing those two options in my menu. Maybe I will remove and reinstall logos 9. For now it works on my phone so I am happy.
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Randall, do you own https://www.logos.com/product/34146/esv-hear-the-word-audio-bible ?
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Randall Lind said:
Maybe I will remove and reinstall logos 9
Randall, if there is any other way to get around this please do not go through the agony of a re-install. It often only re-loads the problem.
YES, there is something wrong somewhere.
The person on the phone miss-spoke.
Just now I typed "esv audio" into the command box. There was a hesitation, the screen [flickered/blanked/shivered etc and a box slightly froze
Then the ESV audio Bible loaded and played.
All the best as you seek to solve this
Blessings my Brother
I am sorry I cannot be of more help.
Regards, SteveF
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I did reinstall and it almost played. the media player came up for a sec before I got check your internet error. I think ESV Audio hates Windows 10 cause I typed in audio and some John piper files on Galatians and it played fine. Plus I have LEB Audio New Testament and it plays. So it an issue in my opinion with ESV audio itself. Also on those files the menu has Download all media and delete download media, As long as it works on my phone I am ok. I plan to format this PC and install Windows 11 or whatever is announce tomorrow when it comes out. If I need to spend an hour on my phone using headsets no problem.
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Randall Lind said:
Also on those files the menu has Download all media and delete download media
Again: The ESV does not have that feature because it is a streaming only feature. I believe there may be a "download" button on mobile, but it is not for the audio files.
Randall Lind said:I have LEB Audio New Testament and it plays
How are you trying to play the ESV audio? There are two ways and you should try both. If we can figure out which method you are trying, it might help to troubleshoot the issue.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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JT thanks for all the help..I open up Logos takes a min I am running Microsoft Windows 10 Pro on a Dell Optiplex Icore 5-4570 running # 3.20ghz 8gb of memory. 500gb Hard drive going to get SSD soon.
Believe it or not this is my fastest computer as far as Logos goes. My Dell laptop and HP all-in-one are slower. Once Logos is loaded takes a min to open it is nice and fast.
I click on Libary then I type is ESV I have two English Standard Version the under that is says English Standard Version Audio (media collection)
I click on the 2nd one then the libary has a black box for a sec and I get a windows that says overview then list Genesis and all the chapters. Then it shows Genesis 1 4:57 with a play button. I click on it and get the error We couldn't access the media you're trying to play. Please verify that you are not working offline. For more help troubleshooting this issue please visit our support page. then hyperlink more information.
That the page that tells me about delete media and download all media which is missing because this is stream only.
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Randall Lind said:
I click on Libary then I type is ESV I have two English Standard Version the under that is says English Standard Version Audio (media collection)
Does it look like this? Does it show as "downloaded" in your library?
Randall Lind said:I click on the 2nd one then the libary has a black box for a sec and I get a windows that says overview then list Genesis and all the chapters. Then it shows Genesis 1 4:57 with a play button. I click on it and get the error
Is this what it looks like? Do you see the picture as shown?
Another method to play the audio is through the "read aloud" feature (see below). What happens when you try this way?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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I just got this from support so maybe I should call back
Dear Randall,
Thank you very much for calling us yesterday. I spoke with your about your ESV Audio resource. It seems this resource was a permanent license, meaning that you should be able to access it on your laptop as well. If you continue experiencing problems using it on your laptop, feel free to let us know so we can help further.0 -
I had nothing to do today so I reformated my Dell Optiplex which is running Logos. It is taking forever to perpare my libary. Anyway ESV audio bible now plays. So Logos must have gotten some files messed up when installing.