So, after many months of waiting the NAS20 came out, yet it is a plain as a white wall. It has no cross-references numbers, let alone the inverse interlinear that should've come with it since we waited for more than eight months for this "blessed" update to come out.
Any thoughts?
As of this morning I now have references, but no interlinear.
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Joseph Luna said:
So, after many months of waiting the NAS20 came out, yet it is a plain as a white wall. It has no cross-references numbers, let alone the inverse interlinear that should've come with it since we waited for more than eight months for this "blessed" update to come out.
As Ralph mentions I can see cross references.
I don't know if you are aware that the RI is in prepub available at
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I don't have it.
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Every bible that I have purchased in the past, did not come with interlinear, but after a while it was updated (CSB, MEV, etc.). Why then should I pay 29.99 for an interlinear that should be free? Besides that, I don't even have cross-references.
I don't get it.
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SineNomine said:Joseph Luna said:
Every bible that I have purchased in the past, did not come with interlinear, but after a while it was updated (CSB, MEV, etc.). Why then should I pay 29.99 for an interlinear that should be free? Besides that, I don't even have cross-references.
I don't get it.
If you have ever purchased a Bible on its own, your purchase did not include a reverse interlinear. You may have acquired reverse interlinears from base packages, feature sets, subscriptions....
(repost from forum migration rollback)
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Not true. I purchased the basic translation of CSB sometime ago, and later MEV. Months later CSB and MEV were updated. I never paid one penny extra. I have no idea what you are talking about.
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Do you purchase packages? The interlinears are often included in packages before the interlinears are actually available.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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OK. I didn't know that. Thank you.
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Yes, I purchased packages. The NAS20 was purchased separately. I understand why I have to purchase the RI separately.
Thank you for the information.
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On another topic, the NAS20 is presently without cross-references. Is that normal since it just came out?
Thank you.
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On another topic, the NAS20 was released without cross-references. Will it be available soon?
Thank you,
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Joseph Luna said:
On another topic, the NAS20 was released without cross-references.
Do you have the Bible text only visual filter set and Footnote indicators not selected? That would explain what you are seeing
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I don't have what you show in your screenshot, but if I click off on "Resource" or "Bible Tex only", I get the cross-references, but I lose the "one verse per line" which is something I always preferred.
What now?
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I fixed it. I didn't realize there was a drop down.
My apologies for making such a fuzz.
Joseph [:$]
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Glad you have it sorted.