Tense Voice Mood Lookup

While using a reverse interlinear, there is the abbreviated Morph listing for each word; when you hover your mouse over the abbreviation, the full listing pops up. However, since I'm very rusty on the original languages, I may not remember what an aorist might entail, so I want to look up what an aorist verb is.
With my current Logos configuration, there is no hyperlink under "aorist" that I can click on to get a description of what an aorist verb is. Now I have my trusty TVM from years gone by, so I can open up that resource and look for aorist there and get a description. But that's a manual process that slows me down.
I would like to be able to click on a hyperlinked "aorist" and get a description of that verb.
Try having the Information Tool open
Click the word to see information about it - including morphology (blue arrow). Hover over a morphological term to see a popup, click it to open a resource containing a definition (red arrow). And you can configure the Information Tool to change either when you hover over a word or when you click it
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Awesome! I didn't realize that in the info window the morphology is hyperlinked, but in the window that pops up when you right-click the word, it isn't. Even after I add the GMSDT to my prioritized resources, it isn't hyperlinked. But I just discovered the GMSDT! Thanks, Graham!
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Glad it was helpful
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This must be a new feature in version 9 as I can't seem to get it to work yet in Logos 8, even though I have the glossary is both installations. Later edit: Ahh! Now it worketh. I had to download the resource.