Typing interrupted and with little fluency, in Logos notes tool.

Gustavo Lavanchy
Gustavo Lavanchy Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Dear friends of Logos, there is a problem in the notes tool, which apparently comes from update

Currently this tool is too annoying to write, apparently (I think) the problem is that the tool constantly saves what one writes, that is, it saves every time a key is pressed and therefore results in something too annoying because it interrupts the natural way to write. I think that the saving speed will vary from one computer to another and it will also vary according to the speed of the internet, but I imagine that for everyone it must be equally annoying. You cannot write fluently. If you write a short sentence it is not much of a problem, but when you want to write a paragraph it becomes very unpleasant, so much so, that I prefer to write in another text editor and then copy into the notes tool.

I have observed that there are two elements (icons) in the notes tool that are activated when you type: The "share" button and the "all changes saved" icon. This means (I suppose) that the notes tool does two processes each time you press a key, first it checks if the note is shared and second it saves the text.

I think it's fine for the notes tool to constantly save changes so as not to lose progress, but this process shouldn't interrupt smooth, natural writing. Perhaps the tool could do that process of saving changes only after about 10-15 seconds of inactivity (my suggestion).
On the other hand, the other Logos tools where you can also write text, do not have this problem of fluency and continuity when typing and they also remain automatically saved. What is the difference?

