Share Ideas & Screenshots: Custom Toolbar Folders & Shortcut Menus

Scott David
Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'd love to hear how others are organizing their shortcuts. I just created Toolbar Folders in the last week or so (just upgraded to 9) -- so I'm sure it's going to innovate quite a bit:

  • BK - Books [Personal Books, Books I'm currently reading, etc]
  • DOC - Documents [Links to PC folders / files]
  • MAIN - [Most Used: Tools, Guides, & Workflows]
  • WK SP - [Most Used: Workspaces]



  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,628 ✭✭✭

    I'm taking a bit of a different approach with the SC bar folders. I have a folder for bibles (22 items), a folder for my top 5 tools (5), and a folder for two docs that I use the most often, called "serendipitous notes" and "serendipitous clippings." (When I find something randomly, it goes in one of those until I move it to a more appropriate location.)

    I decided to no reproduce most items that I can find in one of the resident menus, and I'm still using my Favorites for specific resources.

    I'll enjoy watching this thread grow, as I always learn good stuff from other users.

    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    I found myself several times reinventing my toolbar menus. It's mostly used as a compact Favorites bar for favorites outside Logos. So I decided on the alphabet as the most appropriate way to organize this cluttered mind. What is behind this alphabet?

    A sneak peek:

    Don't ask why App's are under "E". I don't really know, think it was for "External Apps/Tools" ...

    These buttons are my motivation to complete my next Sermon. They will eventually all be linked to Layouts and Workflows. Sometimes I laugh at myself for being so complicated, ... and ... next week I'll maybe reinvent the toolbar layout if someone has a great idea.

    "I'll be back ... "

  • Lonnie Spencer
    Lonnie Spencer Member Posts: 371 ✭✭

    I am only putting things on the shortcut's menu with things I can't find just as quick somewhere else. So far, I only have two folders. A folder I call "Online" which houses the websites I want quick access to like, Logos forums, mp seminars. I have an "Inductive Layouts" where I keep layouts for my regular inductive bible study. I preface each step with a number, so it will go in the order of my study steps and not be listed alphabetically. I don't want to over-populate the shorts cut bar with folders or the folders with things I can easily open with one click somewhere else. I had a "Reading Plan" folder which had the books I am reading this year. It is just as easy to open it from the home page as it is with a folder. And I didn't have to spend time putting them in a folder. So I eliminated it. I think the folders are great for things you need quick access too that are not available somewhere else.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    PJ -- this is way too cool! [H] I'm embarrassed to day, I didn't realize Macros could be built in Logos... I'm going to have to do some research!

    Really unique idea having Alphabet of menus -- looks amazing and given unlimited opportunity for Scaling (as long as you can remember the letters that represent the file types you're linking to). 

    Yeah... I can over-complicate a toothpick [:#] ... And I'm constantly innovating my systems. Your system gave me a lot of ideas I hadn't previously considered. THANKS!

    BTW - the reason I'm trying to keep it to just a few menus (folders) -- is that I sometimes tile windows side-by-side -- and want to be able to access all menus when I do that.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

     I am only putting things on the shortcut's menu with things I can't find just as quick somewhere else... 

    That makes a ton of sense Lonnie, and keeps clutter to a minimum. I definitely struggle with that and go back and forth ("Hmmm... it's already accessible from the Tools menu, do I really want it in a Custom Folder?").

  • Tony Walker
    Tony Walker Member Posts: 377 ✭✭

    How do I delete an item once it is in a folder? I have a folder called. Links. that I put links to webpages. I added one but didn't rename it before hand, so now it looks odd with the full url name. I tried right clicking on it but it just registers as a single click and opens the webpage. — — — —

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    Hey Tony! I think it's a strange and temporary malfunction. If restarting Logos doesn't allow you to edit / delete a shortcut, try rebooting your machine; if it still doesn't work you may need to contact Logos support.

    Regarding Folders, I believe the only way to delete is to remove all shortcuts that reside in it.

  • Scott E. Mahle
    Scott E. Mahle Member Posts: 752 ✭✭✭

    How do I delete an item once it is in a folder? 

    Hello, Tony!

    Right click the item in the folder and remove the folder name.

     I tried right clicking on it but it just registers as a single click and opens the webpage. 

    That's a problem I have not experienced.

    Logos Series X Pastor’s Library | Logos 3 Leader’s Library | 4 Portfolio | 5 Platinum | 6 Feature Crossgrade | 7 Essential | 8 M & W Platinum and Academic Professional | 9 Academic Professional and Messianic Jewish Diamond

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    I tried right clicking on it but it just registers as a single click and opens the webpage. 

    What is the chance that your mouse configuration changed somehow?

    (this is on windows)

  • Steven Veach
    Steven Veach Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    This is a great feature. I had no idea I could make folders for shortcuts. It's very similar to theWord Bible Software's feature. There are always way too many resources to fit. Folders are much more organized. Though I try to keep only those items that I will use either frequently (but not in such a way that they can stay open on screen) or that will be useful outside of a search or collection. Like the Apostolic Church Fathers. It should be included in my Church Fathers Collection to be used in searches, but there will be times when I want to pull it up separately and check a reading to see what word someone used. The Reverse Interlinear is a great benefit. I just wish it was for the entire 37 volumes. ;-)

    Thanks for the tip on the folders.

  • Doc B
    Doc B Member Posts: 3,628 ✭✭✭

    How do I delete an item once it is in a folder?

    Here's the normal way. (A) click the folder name, then (B) right-click the item you wish to remove, then (C) delete the folder name in the properties box.

    Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

     This is a great feature. 

    I agree Steven; I would have upgraded to Logos 9 for this reason alone. It's fantastic to see the entire name of each shortcut without taking up space on the toolbar. This is a game changer for sure.

  • Annabel Robinson
    Annabel Robinson Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Can you put a commentary series in the toolbar? e.g. NICNT so that it opens to whatever book you are in?

  • Steven Veach
    Steven Veach Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    Hey Annabel,

    It does not appear to be the case. I attempted this with the Pulpit Commentary which are individual volumes in Series. It in theory could work but doesn't. Technically, we should be able to put any one volume in the shortcut bar (it must be tied by a link to the bible you are using (i.e. link A). When clicking on the shortcut it opens to whatever book you used (say 1 Timothy). But because it was linked to A it would a second later switch to whatever verse you had in the bible that was linked to A.

    Unfortunately, the shortcut in the bar does not retain memory of being linked to A. So when you close out the commentary and launch it again from the bar, it has no link to A and will not auto update.

    This could be different with other commentaries. I do not have the NICNT to test. But I would doubt it would work.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    That's a great question Annabel; I saw a few other threads on this -- and one suggestion I saw was to:
    1) Put a shortcut to a single volume commentary (upon opening it goes to the correct pericope)

    2) After opening, use the parallel resource button to switch to the multi-volume commentary:

  • Rod Groom
    Rod Groom Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    Tony, I have a link on shortcuts bar that I cannot get rid of and also one in a folder on the shortcuts bar. Cannot get rid of either one. Have you experienced or found any solutions?

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    That's indeed odd Rod. So when you follow Doc B's tutorial to delete the name of the shortcut - what are you left with? An icon with no name?

  • Rod Groom
    Rod Groom Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    That is the problem. You can do this with any book, but not with a link. When you Ctrl Click, the drop-down menu may show for a split second, but then takes you to the linked website. You don't have time to delete it.

  • Rod Groom
    Rod Groom Member Posts: 16 ✭✭

    That's the problem. With a link, you may see a flash of the dropdown, but almost immediately the link activates and takes you to the website. Doc B.'s tutorial is good for the books, but not the links.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    Ahhh... indeed this may be the problem. A CTRL+CLICK = open in a new tab. It's a RIGHT-CLICK that is needed. Please let me know if that does it for you.

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    I just thought to share my latest Custom Toolbar. This is most probably the one I'll stick with.

    The icons are from left to Right:

    1. All things Document related
    2. All things Reference related
    3. All things Word Study related
    4. All things Event-related
    5. All things Person/People related
    6. All things Place related
    7. All things Theme related
    8. All things Theology related
    9. All things Topic related
    10. All things Counseling related
    11. All things Links (external videos, websites, etc.)
    12. All things Printer related (Custom Template Printer)

    The icons are available in the latest Win10/11 clipboard (win+v). I also use these icons inside my Sermon Documents as a visual markup for Main Divisions like Prayer, Scripture Reading, and Messages.

    Inside Sermon Builder:





    These icons are rendered in color inside the Sermon Builder while the Printout is black and white. The application also renders these as white icons as seen on my toolbar.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    That's really great Form and Function... never even thought of using Symbols and fonts with symbols (webdings, wingdings, symbol, etc). Also, I didn't know about  WIN + V ... great post PJ.

  • Scott David
    Scott David Member Posts: 217 ✭✭

    Hmmmmm.... didn't work for me.

    Opened MS Word > Inserted a bunch of Symbols > CTRL + C on each (to add to windows clipboard)...

    Then, Rt-Click Logos Toolbar Shortcut > WIN + V... It just closes the shortcut's properties dialog box, and never works.

    I am able to take the last symbol I copied in Word, and CTRL + V into shortcut's Folder Name... but I couldn't get WIN + V to work.

  • Pieter J.
    Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭

    It just closes the shortcut's properties dialog box

    To get emojis into the Toolbar I used a sermon document as a destination for the emojis (win+v) and then used ctrl+c and ctrl+v to name the menus in the toolbar. A lot of fields in Logos accept emojis, you can even use the GoBox as temp location to copy to other like a menu.