How Do I Search Bible Front Matter, Appendixes, Other Info?

Sharon Hillam
Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've been reading through the Front Matter and non-Bible text of all my Bibles and have found a plethora of excellent info that I'd like to include when I do certain passage or topic studies.

For example, I have found that the Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible: NT (EOB:NT) has a wealth of info in the Appendixes. One is on the greek word pneuma.

So let's say I wanted to study John 14:26 or the word pneuma. I would typically use either the Passage Guide (customized with LOTS of collections) or a Word Study. 

Can I include a search for non-Bible text of a Bible resource in a guide? If not, then what do you suggest as far as an add-on search to my passage study workflow?

Also, when it comes to topics (eg. new testament criticism), how do I search just the Front Matter or Appendixes of my Bibles?

Thanks for your help!

Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!



  • If not, then what do you suggest as far as an add-on search to my passage study workflow?

    Basic Search idea in a dynamic collection of Type:Bible is (πνεῦμα OR pnevma OR pneuma) NOT WITHIN {Milestone <Ge-Rv>} that finds three articles (one in Front Matter & two in Appendices) in the Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible: NT (EOB:NT)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,114

    So let's say I wanted to study John 14:26 or the word pneuma. I would typically use either the Passage Guide (customized with LOTS of collections) or a Word Study. 

    The problem with studying a passage in a bible is that you would encounter a lot of cross-references in footnotes, whether you use the Collections section in a Passage Guide or a Basic Search of the same collection of bibles. So you would have to narrow the collection to those bibles that offer a "study".

    Also, when it comes to topics (eg. new testament criticism), how do I search just the Front Matter or Appendixes of my Bibles?

    It has to be a Basic Search, but All Text will get hits from bible text. In the NLT I can search Heading Text for atonement, which is in its appendix for Bible Verse Finder (and also in pericope headings).


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Sharon Hillam
    Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Basic Search idea in a dynamic collection of Type:Bible is (πνεῦμα OR pnevma OR pneuma) NOT WITHIN {Milestone <Ge-Rv>} that finds three articles (one in Front Matter & two in Appendices) in the Eastern/Greek Orthodox Bible: NT (EOB:NT)

    Not a bad idea. Clearly, you're way ahead of me when it comes to using search parameters, but this was why I posted the question here in the forum. Thanks, KS!

    Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!

  • Sharon Hillam
    Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭

    The problem with studying a passage in a bible is that you would encounter a lot of cross-references in footnotes, whether you use the Collections section in a Passage Guide or a Basic Search of the same collection of bibles. So you would have to narrow the collection to those bibles that offer a "study".

    Yes, I was already running into that. 

    I posted the question here mostly to see if perhaps I was missing something...but it seems I wasn't. There just isn't a great way to access Front Matter and/or Appendixes in a Bible via Search or in a Guide when it comes to studying passages. And that's okay. I don't have that many Bibles where I would want to do that. So in instances where I DO, I can just use the old-fashioned manual process.

    Thanks Dave!

    Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!