Ideas for Notebook categories??

Meeshell Biblestudy
Meeshell Biblestudy Member Posts: 75 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have been using Logos since L4 I think, and I've been creating notes and notebooks pretty much as whatever topic entered my head.  So they are very random.  I have books of the Bible, topics, word studies, theologies, apologetics, you name it and I've probably got an entire notebook with that title.

I'd like them to be more universally organized in just ONE way.  Like obviously I could do books of the Bible, but that won't do because I have notebooks on individual topics that I don't want to lose.

Any ideas on how to make it more organized?   Open to your suggestions, ideas.  



[<b>edited by:</b> Meeshell Biblestudy at 11:21 AM (GMT -8) on Thu, Aug 19 2021]
Wait I just got an idea.... What if I made all my notebooks Bible books and then used tags to identify individual topics? Anyone do that? or recommend? I would have to overhaul the whole opus of notes I have, but I think it&#39;d be much nicer organized.

Jesus was born of a VIRGIN, as it is written in the LXX, testified in the NT Matthew 1:23

Isaiah 7:14 (Brenton LXX En)




  • Kiyah
    Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭

    What if I made all my notebooks Bible books and then used tags to identify individual topics?

    I believe that's exactly what Morris Proctor recommends if I'm remembering correctly.

  • Meeshell Biblestudy
    Meeshell Biblestudy Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Kiyah said:

    What if I made all my notebooks Bible books and then used tags to identify individual topics?

    I believe that's exactly what Morris Proctor recommends if I'm remembering correctly.

    Oh good!  I resisted it at first because I liked all the topics to cover multiple Scriptures, but now that I have so many, many notes are lost and forgotten.

    Jesus was born of a VIRGIN, as it is written in the LXX, testified in the NT Matthew 1:23

    Isaiah 7:14 (Brenton LXX En)


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,114

    What if I made all my notebooks Bible books and then used tags to identify individual topics?

    Then you would have to be careful about tagging and new Notebooks e.g.

    • create Notebooks for your Bible Books in advance.
    • use the sidebar Filters to select a Notebook that is a topic
      • select all the notes and Add the topic as a tag (or Apply to all)
      • remove any unneeded tags
      • repeat for all such Notebooks
    • For Notebooks that do not relate to a single topic
      • select applicable notes and Add a topic as a tag (or Apply to all)
      • remove any unneeded tags
    • When tagging is complete, use the Bible Books filter to display all the notes for a book
      • select all the Notes and select the appropriate (new) Notebook
      • repeat this for all your Bible Books
    • Select the Notebooks sidebar and Delete the empty ones.
    • All the remaining Notebooks should have bible book names!


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Meeshell Biblestudy
    Meeshell Biblestudy Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    What if I made all my notebooks Bible books and then used tags to identify individual topics?

    Then you would have to be careful about tagging and new Notebooks e.g.

    • create Notebooks for your Bible Books in advance.
    • use the sidebar Filters to select a Notebook that is a topic
      • select all the notes and Add the topic as a tag (or Apply to all)
      • remove any unneeded tags
      • repeat for all such Notebooks
    • For Notebooks that do not relate to a single topic
      • select applicable notes and Add a topic as a tag (or Apply to all)
      • remove any unneeded tags
    • When tagging is complete, use the Bible Books filter to display all the notes for a book
      • select all the Notes and select the appropriate (new) Notebook
      • repeat this for all your Bible Books
    • Select the Notebooks sidebar and Delete the empty ones.
    • All the remaining Notebooks should have bible book names!

    Wow!  This helps a lot!  I was doing them one by one.

    Jesus was born of a VIRGIN, as it is written in the LXX, testified in the NT Matthew 1:23

    Isaiah 7:14 (Brenton LXX En)


  • Meeshell Biblestudy
    Meeshell Biblestudy Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    What if I made all my notebooks Bible books and then used tags to identify individual topics?

    Then you would have to be careful about tagging and new Notebooks e.g.

    • create Notebooks for your Bible Books in advance.
    • use the sidebar Filters to select a Notebook that is a topic
      • select all the notes and Add the topic as a tag (or Apply to all)
      • remove any unneeded tags
      • repeat for all such Notebooks
    • For Notebooks that do not relate to a single topic
      • select applicable notes and Add a topic as a tag (or Apply to all)
      • remove any unneeded tags
    • When tagging is complete, use the Bible Books filter to display all the notes for a book
      • select all the Notes and select the appropriate (new) Notebook
      • repeat this for all your Bible Books
    • Select the Notebooks sidebar and Delete the empty ones.
    • All the remaining Notebooks should have bible book names!

    Some of my notes are so old from before you could anchor the verses to them.  Do they all have to have anchors to be found in "Bible books"?  I'm assuming yes, because I still have to go through each note to see where it should be anchored.

    Jesus was born of a VIRGIN, as it is written in the LXX, testified in the NT Matthew 1:23

    Isaiah 7:14 (Brenton LXX En)


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,114

    Some of my notes are so old from before you could anchor the verses to them. 

    All notes have a primary anchor; which is the passage from where you created the Note. This passage should dictate the Notebook it is placed in, but it is possible that a Note with multiple anchors could be placed in the wrong Notebook!


    The first note is listed for Bible Book: 1 Kings, but it should only be placed in a Notebook for Psalms!  The "+ 1 more" tells you it has another anchor.
    The second note clearly belongs to 1 Kings (it lacks the comment that indicates multiple anchors).

    However, it is probably quicker to select all notes and move them to the "1 Kings" Notebook and then go through the "1 Kings" Notebook and move notes like this to the correct Notebook.


    Windows 11 & Android 13