9.7 SR-1 - will not get past - "Preparing your library"

Kevin A Lewis
Kevin A Lewis Member Posts: 758 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Tried reboot computer and restart app - still just sticks at that point.

8468.Logos (5).zip



  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,662

    I assume you followed the directions in bold?

    The Logos Bible Software desktop application version 9.7 SR-1 is now available to all users.

    To immediately update to the current stable version, enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it's scheduled to check for updates.

    Release Notes

    Download Link

    Note: If you are experiencing a crash on start-up you will need to download the installer using the link above.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,083

    The logs show multiple SQL errors of the form:

    2021-08-25 15:49:53.2009 ERROR 6 ApplicationUtility | SQLite Error 283: recovered 9 frames from WAL file I:\Logos\Documents\tt13govq.pwo\LocalUserPreferences\PreferencesManager.db-wal

    (They apply to a number of your Logos database files)

    And Logos also fails to replace some index files including the Catalog

    2021-08-25 15:52:17.3416 INFO 20 LibraryCatalogIndex | (Timed) Attempting to replace index 'I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\LibraryCatalog/catalog' with new index 'I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\LibraryCatalog/dgafcukh.q5i'.
    2021-08-25 15:52:17.3426 INFO 20 FileSystemIndexInfo | Replacing I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\LibraryCatalog/catalog with I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\LibraryCatalog/dgafcukh.q5i
    2021-08-25 15:52:17.8709 INFO 20 LibraryCatalogIndex | (528ms) Attempting to replace index 'I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\LibraryCatalog/catalog' with new index 'I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\LibraryCatalog/dgafcukh.q5i'.
    2021-08-25 15:52:18.0947 INFO 20 LibraryCatalogIndex | (33.10s) Rebuilding library catalog index.
    2021-08-25 15:52:21.3249 INFO 18 FileSystemIndexInfo | Replacing I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\AtlasManager/AtlasIndex with I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\AtlasManager/durgtj14.1w2
    2021-08-25 15:52:21.3249 WARN 18 AtlasSearchIndex | Couldn't replace index; retrying in 22.9s.

    I suggest running diagnostics on your I: drive and seeing if any errors are reported.

  • Kevin A Lewis
    Kevin A Lewis Member Posts: 758 ✭✭

    Nothing that windows utilities can find - all 'looks' a o k

    Regards Kevin

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    Tried reboot computer and restart app - still just sticks at that point.

    8468.Logos (5).zip

    There are many SQlite errors, but it seems that the abort is caused by a corrupt Atlas index. So delete the folder I:\Logos\Data\tt13govq.pwo\AtlasManager and restart Logos.  Upload new logs if not successful.

    However, is I: a local disk?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Kevin A Lewis
    Kevin A Lewis Member Posts: 758 ✭✭

    I'll give that a go

    Yes I: is local and an SSD

    Blessings Kevin

  • Kevin A Lewis
    Kevin A Lewis Member Posts: 758 ✭✭

    Thanks for your help - that worked a treat


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058


    Windows 11 & Android 13