Auto-spell Check on Windows in Logos 9 Off Network

I have Logos 9 installed on two of my laptops. I have a super old Macbook (9-ish years) and a new Windows 10 laptop that is replacing it. At my church we have no wifi and my phone has no signal there so I can't tether. On Mac, spell check works with the network disabled, but on Windows it will not process until I get the network back online.
Can I fix this or is this just the way things are?
All versions at - Logos
Thanks in advance!
Ian Shepard said:
On Mac, spell check works with the network disabled, but on Windows it will not process until I get the network back online.
Spell check in Notes works ok offline (Windows 10). Were you using another tool?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Nope - just regular notes
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I'm not able to reproduce this using 9.7 SR-1, does updating fix the issue? Also what version of macOS are you running?
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Well, I feel terrible. I fixed it by closing my notes section that I had in my saved layout then adding a new instance back in. Once I did that it was fine.
It has always worked on my macbook but never in Windows for that instance. It may have been that I copied the existing macbook church notes layout that I had and it may have caused a weird issue for me, but since I have removed the Notes section from that instance and replaced it in my Windows layout then resaved it over the last one it has been fine.
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Ian Shepard said:
Well, I feel terrible.
Please don't feel terrible; at least not over this.
In my experience many issues are prompted to repair themselves once those affected ask the question and thus expose their vulnerability.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Oh no, I feel terrible because I forgot to tell anyone. I am glad it is working now.
So far I am just chalking it up to using a long-running Notes tab on a mac then importing it into Windows and using it there. Or something. No idea. Anyway, closing it and reopening it solved the issue, even after re-saving the layout. [:)]0 -
Ian Shepard said:
Well, I feel terrible.
No worries, I appreciate you updating me. I'm glad it is working for you.