Resource-Specific Highlighting / Notes

Ralph Wood
Ralph Wood Member Posts: 158 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have a highlighting palette designated with the "Resource-Specific" notebook.   What happens - from the perspective of notes and notebooks - when I highlight text using one of the pens within that palette.  



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Which version of Logos software are you using?

    I have a highlighting palette designated with the "Resource-Specific" notebook.

    As far as I'm aware that was a feature within the "old" Notes capability that is not available within the new one.

    Have you made the switch to using the new Notes system?

    There's some background to this at 

    In the old system, using a resource-specific setting would result in highlights made within a resource going into a Notes Document with the same name as the resource. I don't know how it works if used in the new system - and am surprised to see it is an option.

  • Ralph Wood
    Ralph Wood Member Posts: 158 ✭✭✭

    Which version of Logos software are you using?

    I have a highlighting palette designated with the "Resource-Specific" notebook.

    As far as I'm aware that was a feature within the "old" Notes capability that is not available within the new one.

    Have you made the switch to using the new Notes system?

    There's some background to this at 

    In the old system, using a resource-specific setting would result in highlights made within a resource going into a Notes Document with the same name as the resource. I don't know how it works if used in the new system - and am surprised to see it is an option.

    Thanks for the reply, Graham. I've been on Logos 9 since last October and assume that, by default that I've been on the "new" Notes system since then. (I can't recall if I switched while on Logos 8).  Here's a screenshot showing that I have "Resource-Specific" notebook assigned to the Highlighter Pens palette.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Here's a screenshot showing that I have "Resource-Specific" notebook assigned to the Highlighter Pens palette.

    That makes me think you haven't switched fully to the new Notes Tool

    But hopefully someone from Faithlife will be able to clarify further

  • Ralph Wood
    Ralph Wood Member Posts: 158 ✭✭✭

    Thanks again, Graham.  Just for grins, I followed the instructions in the link you provided to set it to "new" notes... restarted Logos...with no change.  I was sure struggling to figure out what was supposed to happen when I used the "Resource Specific" feature of highlighting but sounds like I can move on.  It raises some notes / notebooks questions for me but I'll save that for another post.  Thanks for enlightening me on this.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I was sure struggling to figure out what was supposed to happen when I used the "Resource Specific" feature of highlighting

    I can't tell you what is happening now, nor what is "supposed" to happen now, but only what did happen previously. 

    The "resource specific" option would place any highlight made into a note document/file/folder named after the resource where the highlight was made. The feature <kind of> worked, but was hobbled together. One problem is that the note document would be shared with other resources named the same thing... it could not distinguish between two different resources named the same thing. 

    The new notes tool does not have this problem because you can filter the notes tool for any given resource... so there isn't really a reason to have a "resource specific" note file. 

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  • Ralph Wood
    Ralph Wood Member Posts: 158 ✭✭✭

    As Adrian Monk used to say,  "here's what happened"... at least I think it is the most likely explanation... sometime in my confused past as I was trying to figure out notes, notebooks, highlighting, and resource-specific notebooks,  I must have created an actual notebooks named "Resource-Specific" (how dumb is that? [:D] ) which would have made it it appear in the drop-down list for the highlighting palette.  I just deleted that notebook and it no longer appears in the drop-down list.  Whether this is the explanation or not, you guys have helped save me from additional pain and consternation in trying to figure out a non-existent feature.  Thanks again.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    That would certainly explain it! 

    Also: I miss that show!

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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