Is there a way to run a word study from the context of a bible or tool passage?

In the mobile app, is there a way to highlight a word (better a phrase) in a Bible passage and run a word study? I thought I saw a how-to video that showed highlighting a word, running "look up" and then selecting the "study" option at the bottom right of the popup window. I no longer have this "study" option in the lookup window. I thought at one time I had it.
I'm trying to determine how many times the phrase "sons of god" occurs in the text. I can run a search for the phrase in quotes, but it still returns "sons.."and "son..." (despite the quotes) and the results are not numbered in any way so I have to manually go through and count each result. That's fine for a handful but what if there are 1000?
I wanted to run a word study from the text (highlight "sons of God" in Gen 6:2) and then use the Hebrew Words / Greek Words circle graph break out the exact phrase I'm looking for in the original languages. Is this possible (I assume not)? I went back to the desktop version on windows and it appears it's not possible to run a word study on a phrase there either.
I tried the exegetical guide but it breaks up the phrase into individual words, so it really does me no good either.
Any options here?
Steven Veach said:
In the mobile app, is there a way to highlight a word (better a phrase) in a Bible passage and run a word study? I thought I saw a how-to video that showed highlighting a word, running "look up" and then selecting the "study" option at the bottom right of the popup window. I no longer have this "study" option in the lookup window. I thought at one time I had it.
Still there ... long press a word ... it pops up a card(s) with lemma, morph and definition ... dot-menu on card .... bottom item in menu (BWS).
You're probably wanting the new Bible Phrase Study tool in Logos 10? Smiling.
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Gotcha. Thanks so much. Now I see the problem. The 3 dots do not work with my bluetooth keyboard. I click on them and they just stare back at me and do nothing. If I tap with my finger a new menu pops up with word study on it. Great!
Oh, and how do I get a copy of Logos 10? I'm hoping it has all the features I need and then some! Like scrolling with a keyboard. Searching without having to open the search window twice (when using a keyboard).......and the list goes on.... ;-)
But seriously. Thanks for this tip. It will definitely come in handy.
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Steven Veach said:
Oh, and how do I get a copy of Logos 10?
It was a joke. The current version is L9. We are at least a year away from L10.
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Yeah, so was my comment, but the sarcastic tone in my voice doesn't read well by way of text alone. ;-) I really wish there was a way to go into the future about 20 years and download a copy of Logos 25. That would solve all my problems. But then it probably won't run on my 20 year old phone.
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Well.... I am really interested in the "Heretic Finder" that someone said was in Logos 10.... [8-|]
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!