Please add keyboard shortcuts for "switch keyboard focus to next panel" and "switch keyboard focus to previous panel."
I use multiple panels as a standard practice, and feel sure that most mature users do this also. I am constantly moving between panels. I have not found a simple method of switching panels, like the keyboard shortcut I used to use in the Windows version. This is a basic function for daily users and I wish it had been addressed in the roll-out of Logos 9 for Mac.
I am a fan of Logos 9 and use it nearly every day for personal education and edification (retired).
Ed Flook
Does CTRL-TAB and SHIFT-CTRL-TAB do what you desire? That switches between panes (Both Mac and Windows).
If you are talking about switching between floating windows, try CMD-` and SHIFT-CMD-` [NOTE: this is the key in the upper left of keyboard]
What was the keyboard shortcut you used in the Windows version?
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(Alt-Tab) Works for me but I use Windows...
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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Hi Levi:
The COMMAND-TAB and SHIFT-COMMAND-TAB commands take me between open applications in Mac OS 11.5.2.
However, YOU HIT IT on your second suggestion! CMD-` AND SHIFT-CMD-` (which seem to do the same thing) take me between windows (not panes, as I mistakenly said at first).
This is what I want, and my problem is solved. Thank you so much.
How do you guys know these things?
Ed Flook
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Hello Again, Levi:
I never answered your question. As well as I can remember, I just used CONTROL-TAB in the Windows environment.
One more question: Do you know where there is a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for Logos 9 for Mac OS?
Thanks -- Ed Flook
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Edward Flook said:
One more question: Do you know where there is a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for Logos 9 for Mac OS?
There is a list on the wiki at
and also in the Logos helpfile
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Edward Flook said:
The COMMAND-TAB and SHIFT-COMMAND-TAB commands take me between open applications in Mac OS 11.5.2.
Yep, but I said CTRL-TAB and SHIFT-CTRL-TAB which switch between tabs/panes in Logos.
Edward Flook said:This is what I want, and my problem is solved. Thank you so much.
Glad to have helped!
Edward Flook said:How do you guys know these things?
By being involved in the forums! We all learn new things from each other.