Notes not showing in NLT translation

When I create a note or highlight on my ESV bible it shows up in all other translations except the NLT. It used to work just fine and then today it just stopped working for some reason. If I create a note in the NLT translation it shows up in other translations, it just won't show up in the NLT when I create the note in the ESV or another translation. Strangely, it seems to work fine on my laptop but not for Logos on my desktop computer.
Is there some setting that I might have accidentally turned off for that one bible translation? I do have the setting for "Notes and Highlights (Corresponding)" checked.
Hi Philip - and welcome to the forums
There was an update to the NLT recently which seemed to have some problems - and this was followed quickly by another update.
Try the command Update Now in the command box on your desktop and see if that downloads an update
Please let us know how you get on.
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No, unfortunately that didn't work. I ran the Update Now command as you suggested but it said that there was noting to update. Maybe I could try it again tomorrow.
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Onyour desktop, please check the Support Info for the NLT and upload a screenshot (use the paperclip icon) showing it.
To see this, open the panel menu (three vertical dots icon at the top right of the resource) and select Information
Then scroll down to the bottom to see the details
Also please post a screenshot of a note you have made in ESV that is not appearing in the NLT
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Phillip Paul said:
I don't see any Support Info for the NLT Bible.
That is very strange.
However, I realised I hadn't updated my copy of the NLT - I have just done so and now see the same problem you are describing
So there may be an issue with this latest update.
I'll look into it further later today.
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Ok, at least it seems that the problem is with the NLT itself then and not some user error on my part. I've only just started using Logos so I'm still learning the ropes.
Thank you again for all your help! It is much appreciated!
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Graham Criddle said:
I realised I hadn't updated my copy of the NLT - I have just done so and now see the same problem you are describing
So there may be an issue with this latest update.
it looks like there is. The Notes & Highlights (Corresponding) Visual Filter which drives this functionality seems to be broken, as it doesn't show the dropdown for turning on/off the relevant Notebooks. This means Logos somehow can't see (which it does via the RI-supplied Greek text) that there are notes and highlights to be displayed in NLT.
I think I have the latest update (in the curious absence of support data, filtering library in details view for type:bible title:living would allow to see the latest update: mine says it was Tuesday - which was 9-14btw - and uploaded this version):
NLTOT.lbsrviCorresponding highlighting works, though.
Have joy in the Lord!
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We've just shipped an updated version of the NLT and associated reverse interlinears which should fix the problems. You should be able to either use the command "update now" in the Go box, or restart the application to get the updated resource.
The new versions should be:
2021-09-17T15:04:52ZI apologize for your difficulties. Please let us know if you have any further issues.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thanks Andrew
That fixed it for me
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Thanks Andrew, but I do have a related question.
At least twice in the last 2 hours today, I did "Update Now" - nothing came down. I close Verbum/Mac and reopen, and instantly the latest NLT resources you cited come down in an update. Is Update Now not reliable, or are there factors which cause it not to download resources when they are available?
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Pater Noster said:
Thanks Andrew, but I do have a related question.
At least twice in the last 2 hours today, I did "Update Now" - nothing came down. I close Verbum/Mac and reopen, and instantly the latest NLT resources you cited come down in an update. Is Update Now not reliable, or are there factors which cause it not to download resources when they are available?
I have the same issue. Update now didn't work but restarting the application worked.
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"Update now" makes the assumption that information about the download has already been retrieved. You can use "Update resources" which explicitly checks all of your resources instead of relying on information that might not have been retrieved yet. This is much slower, but would probably have worked instead of a restart. A restart may be the faster option though.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Andrew Batishko said:
"Update now" makes the assumption that information about the download has already been retrieved. You can use "Update resources" which explicitly checks all of your resources instead of relying on information that might not have been retrieved yet. This is much slower, but would probably have worked instead of a restart. A restart may be the faster option though.
I tried both update now and update resources before restarting and neither worked so I restarted. I have this problem from time to time, where I can't trigger an update without restarting.
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I also had to restart after running the Update Now command but it is working fine now.