Searching for "Knowledge of God"

Hello all!
I'm trying to find every instance where the phrase "knowledge of God" is used in the Bible. What's the most straightforward way to do this in Logos? I know that "knowledge of God" translates a variety of Greek and Hebrew words - is there a way I could search for those words within a certain proximity to words for God, or Lord?
Something like <Sense knowledge> WITHIN 5 WORDS <Person God>?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I am one that find the "search" in Logos to be elusive and evading, meaning that when I think I understand it and then actually try it....well... after a few tries... I do get a somewhat answer...
And when anyone asks a question about search... I try to work through it... to learn for myself.
For instance.... (I knowMJ said something like) but what MJ posted does not work for me. I got zero results. But when I put in "<knowledge> WITHIN 5 WORDS <Person God>" .... then that works.
Is search different for Windows, Apple and Android?
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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xnman said:
For instance.... (I knowMJ said something like) but what MJ posted does not work for me. I got zero results. But when I put in "<knowledge> WITHIN 5 WORDS <Person God>" .... then that works.
Just a question . . . when you typed "<sense knowledge" did you wait for Logos to populate the popup menu, and then click on "knowledge"? The reason I ask is, searching the ESV, Logos found over 4,600 results for "<Sense knowledge> WITHIN 5 WORDS <Person God>". Sometimes Logos is funny about search terms.
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I prefer:
"knowledge of" BEFORE 0-5 WORD <Person God> (44 Results)0 -
Just goes to show me...... One day I hope to understand Logos search.... lol
And I just learned that the phrase (without brackets) works also i.e "knowledge WITHIN 5 WORDS God"
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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xnman said:
Just goes to show me...... One day I hope to understand Logos search.... lol
And I just learned that the phrase (without brackets) works also i.e "knowledge WITHIN 5 WORDS God"
But it looks for specific wording while <Sense knowledge> WITHIN 5 WORDS <Person God> looks for meaning independent of wording. Which do you actually want?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Gregory Lawhorn said:
when you typed "<sense knowledge" did you wait for Logos to populate the popup menu
Popup menu has seven choices for <Sense knowledge
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Popup menu has seven choices for <Sense knowledge>
Several of these are included in the search with the default operator.
[quote] Note in particular the use of “=” in the search syntax. Omitting the “=” returns results for the sense that we are searching plus the results for anything that comes below it in the Bible Sense Lexicon hierarchy. So, “<Sense temple>” would return results for “temple” and all other ways of referring to the temple in the Bible.
Jeremy Thompson, Bible Sense Lexicon: Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015).
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Noticed <Sense knowledge> is both a sibling and child of <Sense cognition> whose hierarchy includes <Sense discipline (knowledge)> , <Sense structure (knowledge)> & <Sense wisdom (knowledge)>
Learned <Sense to accept (knowledge)> is within hierarchy of <Sense to think (reason)> while <Sense to learn (knowledge)> is within hierarchy <Sense to act (mental)>
Simplified & expanded search is => (<Person God> OR <Person Jesus> OR <Person Holy Spirit>) WITHIN 4 WORDS (<Sense internal feature> OR <Sense to think (reason)> OR <Sense to act (mental)> OR <Sense knowledgeable person>)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Very helpful, thanks everyone!
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Very helpful, thank you everyone!
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MJ. Smith said:
Something like <Sense knowledge> WITHIN 5 WORDS <Person God>?
Weird, running this search for me brought up a bunch of passages I would not associate with knowledge, like Genesis 1:10 and 2:7. Here is the search I ran: What did I do wrong?
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Joshua H. said:Weird, running this search for me brought up a bunch of passages I would not associate with knowledge
If you open up the Bible Sense Lexicon tool and look through the branches of the "knowledge" entry, you will find that "sea" is one of the descendants.
This occurs through the following chain of senses: knowledge > thought > concept > abstract idea > thing (abstraction) > body of water > sea
I've reported to our data curation team that "body of water" is incorrectly a child of "thing (abstraction)", and they've created a case to fix this problem.
You might want to consider using a narrower sense than "knowledge" for your search. Browsing through the Bible Sense Lexicon tree may help inform you as to what may fit your needs better.
Note that if you want to search for just a sense without its descendants, you can do something like this: <Sense = knowledge>
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer