Attn: Sean - Factbook Person Entry not available to add as community tag

Simon’s Brother
Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am able to add the factbook entry "Ptolemy I Soter" as a community tag to the surface text "General Ptolemy" in the book Understanding Your Bible in 15 minutes a Day. The tagged surface text and factbook entry it is linked to can be seen below.


All good, but in the next sentence when I try to add the factbook entry "Seleucus I Nictator" the person entry does not come up as a tagging option, only a topic entry.


Why in this second instance am I offered the topic entry instead of the person entry like I am in the first instance?  Is this a bug or is there some logic to what is happening under the hood ?



  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,471

    There are a couple of different things going on here that are all working together to make this confusing.

    Factbook unites references from different datasets in order to display information about references that all represent the same thing. The "Match equivalent references" option in the Search panel leverages this same grouping.

    If you take a look at the very bottom of the See Also section in Factbook and hover your mouse over the Search link, you can see a search string which will reveal the different references that are behind the data on the page.

    Ptolemy I Soter is both a Biblical Person (from the Biblical People dataset) and a Topic (from the Lexham Controlled Vocabulary dataset). Seleucus I Nicator is just a Topic (from the LCV dataset).

    The community tag popup doesn't display Factbook entries. It displays specific references from the various datasets. It intentionally eliminates equivalent references, which is why only the Person shows up, and not also the Topic. However, Seleucus only has a Topic to display.

    You will find that if you specify the Topic for Seleucus, it will correctly navigate to the desired Factbook page.

    I hope that helps clarify the behavior you are seeing.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Simon’s Brother
    Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,822 ✭✭✭

    Thanks Andrew for the explanation. From a user experience point of view I’d expect to see consistency in what data is presented to me but appreciate this is working as currently designed - but provides for an undesirable user experience all the same. 

    There are a couple of different things going on here that are all working together to make this confusing.

    Factbook unites references from different datasets in order to display information about references that all represent the same thing. The "Match equivalent references" option in the Search panel leverages this same grouping.

    If you take a look at the very bottom of the See Also section in Factbook and hover your mouse over the Search link, you can see a search string which will reveal the different references that are behind the data on the page.

    Ptolemy I Soter is both a Biblical Person (from the Biblical People dataset) and a Topic (from the Lexham Controlled Vocabulary dataset). Seleucus I Nicator is just a Topic (from the LCV dataset).

    The community tag popup doesn't display Factbook entries. It displays specific references from the various datasets. It intentionally eliminates equivalent references, which is why only the Person shows up, and not also the Topic. However, Seleucus only has a Topic to display.

    You will find that if you specify the Topic for Seleucus, it will correctly navigate to the desired Factbook page.

    I hope that helps clarify the behavior you are seeing.