Search Tool - Add a result category

Brent Williams
Brent Williams Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is it possible to add an additional category here?

I would like to see results for both ESV and UBS5 presented before the general "Library (Downloaded) section

please see screenshot below for reference. this is the Search Tool "Basic" tab


i can see the screen shot in the edit window but not in the post, i will try to describe the window

Search Tool has tabs "Bible", "Basic", "media", etc etc

I use Basic to search for διωκόμενοι

First result is "Fuzzy Bible"

Second Result is "English Standard Version"

Third Result is "Library (Downloaded)"

[more result categories that are not useful to me follow]

I would like to have a category for "UBS5" between ESV and Library



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    i can see the screen shot in the edit window but not in the post

    Hi Brent,

    Attach screenshots using the paper-clip icon or the amber one next to it.

    I use Basic to search for διωκόμενοι

    First result is "Fuzzy Bible"

    Second Result is "English Standard Version"

    Third Result is "Library (Downloaded)"

    [more result categories that are not useful to me follow]

    You have performed an "Everything" search under Basic, which can give a lot of undesired results.

    Your second Result is because ESV is your preferred bible.

    I wouldn't recommend making UBS5 your preferred bible, but there are some ways to improve the results:

    1. Choose Bible Search  (you are searching in bibles)
    2. Select the ESV and run the search
    3. image
    4. When you get the results:
      1. click + Add Version
      2. type UBS5 and select the bible  (I only have UBS4)
      3. hit the arrow at the end of the box
      4. results for UBS5 will appear alongside those for ESV (the Fuzzy section is unavoidable).


    1. Under Basic Search, select All Resources instead of Everything
    2. Click All Resources and select a Collection* that contains UBS5 and ESV
    3. The result will have headings for each resource


    *  see for more information

    You had chosen a manuscript word to search, but do you know about a lemma search for other passages with basically the same meaning i.e. <Lemma ~ lbs/el/διώκω>?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Brent Williams
    Brent Williams Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    ok thanks man this is good stuff

    I'm using manuscript to see how a particular form is used. Ι was looking for examples in the NT to see how that specific participle is used.

    appreciate the help sir

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,025

    I'm using manuscript to see how a particular form is used.

    You can run the Bible Search on UBS5 first and then use Add versions to select ESV or another English bible.


    Windows 11 & Android 13