Please help: Quick way to find word occurrence numbers on mobile?

Does anyone know a quick way to find the number of occurrences for any given word on Logos mobile? E.g. Suppose I start reading Luke 1 (USB5), and I find the word "παραδίδωμι." I want to know the number of occurrences in the NT. Nothing in the "Word Info" panel tells me that. Neither does the Bible Word Study feature: that only shows definitions, translations, and examples. Perhaps I am missing something.
Idea: Is there a Greek lexicon that would include that information such that it would show up under the dictionary entry in the Word Info panel?
Thanks in advance.
Joel Archer said:
Does anyone know a quick way to find the number of occurrences for any given word on Logos mobile? E.g. Suppose I start reading Luke 1 (USB5), and I find the word "παραδίδωμι." I want to know the number of occurrences in the NT. Nothing in the "Word Info" panel tells me that. Neither does the Bible Word Study feature: that only shows definitions, translations, and examples. Perhaps I am missing something.
Interesting, another user asked the same question four weeks back - including the aspect that BWS on the desktop will have the information you both ask for - and my answer was:
There may be another way: the bible word study in the Logos Web App ( ) - it was not easy to actually invoke it from my Android mobile version, but it will show a BWS that resembles the Logos desktop version.
Hope this helps a bit
Have joy in the Lord!
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Search using the Lemma will show you and allow you to limit the range to "Your bible" and "New Testament". Knowing the Lemma search syntax is a more advanced feature.
I would recommend entering the Greek Lemma into the Factbook autocompleter. When I take your example lemma, I get the Factbook page for "hand over; deliver; betray". If you look at the See Also section, there is a link for BWS but also to Search for the lemma. That will open a Search panel with the Lemma search syntax combined with some other types. You can then change the resource to search and the Range for Bibles.
You can always just highlight the Greek word and choose "Search" from the highlight menu which will show the Factbook article and the Exact Results that you can filter by resource and Range.
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Hi Jeff
I was looking at this last night and agree that the options you provide are good ways of searching - but none of them actually give the occurrence count.
Are there plans to provide that anywhere in the mobile app?
Thanks, Graham
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I had the same though later that the original question was asking about the count of results.
The Mobile online search shares code with the Desktop search, so the hits and article counts should be available. I have a guess why Mobile does not show the counts. On Desktop, the search hits are retained and used to load the text and hit highlights as you scroll through the results, so the counts are stable. On Mobile, the server does not remember your search results as you page through the hits. This is typical for web services to be stateless, so paging the results causes the search to execute again and return a subset of the results. This means, in theory, the counts could change as you page through the results in the unlikely case that the server's resources between requests.
I can create a case to look into adding the counts to the search results on Mobile, with the caveat that the result counts might change for the aforementioned reasons.
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Thanks Jeff
I appreciate the insights and it would be good if counts could be returned.
While looking at that, would it be possible to look at adding counts to segments in the BWS translation ring? Would this be a similar change?