Sermon Builder and Factbook Freezing

I'm running logos 9 on an M1 Macbook air, and finding that the sermon builder window frequently freezes. I cannot type in it, and there is no flashing cursor. To restore it I can drag the window to another section on the page, and the ability to type restores. It's a pain to keep having to do this.
I'm also having issues with the factbook. If I have an entry open, and then type something in the search bar, and click the arrow to go to that entry, nothing happens. I have to reopen a new factbook to be able to search.
Is anyone else having these issues?
I'm sorry this is happening for you. Out of curiosity, can you please answer the following questions while we try to troubleshoot this?
- When this is occurring, do you have your Mac connected to another screen or any other second display?
- On your Mac, what OS version are you on?
- Would you be willing to send us the logs so that we can look further into this? Here are the instructions to do so... (scroll down to the macOS section)
Thank you.
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Hi Austin
Thanks for replying.
It's Big Sur 11.5.1
It happens when connected to a second display, but it also happens when the second display is not connected.
I'll send the logs, no problem.
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Thanks for being willing to send the logs. Will you also do me a favor and send them directly to me? I'll make certain we get the logs attached to the case I have opened to resolve this issue.
Thank you.