Bug: Logos Desktop (Windows) Crashes on click on Notes in "Israel's Kings Timeline"

Steps to reproduce:
- Open "Israel's Kings Timeline"
- Open Burger Menu ("Table of Contents")
- Click on Notes Symbol
Crashes for me also.
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Checking further, seems all 8 of the Timeline charts crashes when you click on the Notes tab under the burger menu.
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Logs from crash.
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Yep, that notes tab certainly does not like being touched [:O]
Logos Series X Pastor’s Library | Logos 3 Leader’s Library | 4 Portfolio | 5 Platinum | 6 Feature Crossgrade | 7 Essential | 8 M & W Platinum and Academic Professional | 9 Academic Professional and Messianic Jewish Diamond
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Please accept our apologies, everyone, this problem is being worked on. The fix will be made available in a future update.
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Also there are some errors in the dataset:
The book from A. Negev "Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land" is spelled without an a!
Then I don't get what the Resource is:
New Bible Dictionary by K.A. Kitchen and T.C. Mitchell
Is it this: https://www.logos.com/product/310/the-new-bible-dictionary-3rd-ed ? From Wood and Marshall?
or this https://www.logos.com/product/49491/on-the-reliability-of-the-old-testament By K.A. Kitchen?
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And why are there so old books which also are not in the logos portfolio?
I would recommend to link these resources that are available in Logos.