Preaching Mode on Android app

Maria Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When I choose "Preaching Mode" on my phone (Android app), I see a list of all my sermons. Since I've already used several of those sermons (actually children's Sunday school lessons), I'd like to have them not show up in this list. (Because, when I access this list, I'm usually trying to pick out the current day's lesson as quickly as possible, and having a list of a dozen or more sermons to scroll through takes some time.) My question is this: If I choose the option to "delete" one of these sermons, using the delete button provided in the Preaching Mode list, will the sermon be deleted from Sermon Builder and Sermon Manager as well, and no longer exist on my Logos system, or will it only be removed from the list of options under "Preaching Mode"? I'm afraid to experiment as I don't want to actually lose any of my lessons! 



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,081

    My question is this: If I choose the option to "delete" one of these sermons, using the delete button provided in the Preaching Mode list, will the sermon be deleted from Sermon Builder and Sermon Manager as well, and no longer exist on my Logos system, or will it only be removed from the list of options under "Preaching Mode"?

    If you do this it will be deleted everywhere

    (Because, when I access this list, I'm usually trying to pick out the current day's lesson as quickly as possible,

    On iOS, I haven't checked on Android, sermons are shown with the most recent first. Are you not seeing that?

  • Maria
    Maria Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭

    Thank you, Graham!

    Last Sunday's is listed at the top right now, and, in fact, this coming Sunday's is listed 2nd. But the chronological order doesn't continue: the list continues into the future for a bit, but then there are 2 lessons from last month, then into the future again - but only generally in order, not with exact accuracy - and then at the very end of the list is a lesson from a month ago, and then a template. 

    Often, the immediately upcoming (or current) Sunday's lesson is somewhere near the bottom of the list (though that's not true this week). I've tried figuring out what order they are in - it's not by date, nor alphabetical, nor numerical (I do have numbers in most of the titles), nor by which has been most recently opened.

    I've wondered if the order might be the order I created them in Sermon Manager...

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,081

    I've wondered if the order might be the order I created them in Sermon Manager...

    Yes - I see what you mean about the order not being consistent throughout. I hadn't looked at that before - I was normally just interested in the most recent one or two and they were at the top of the list.

    It looks that the order presented is the same on Android and iOS

    From a quick check it looks as though it is based on modification date - not when it was created - and that does make sense to me. Do you think you are seeing the same thing?

  • Maria
    Maria Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭

    Thank you so much, Graham.

    It doesn't seem like it. Several of my far-in-the-future lessons haven't been modified since I created them, yet they're listed above lessons I've modified and taught in the past 4 or 5 weeks. I also tried a quick experiment now, and modified a far-in-the-future lesson, and it's location didn't change (a valid experiment only if I actually allowed enough time for proper syncing to take place).

    Also, in the past, if lessons were ordered by date last modified, my current-Sunday lesson should have always been at the top, as it was always the one I had most recently modified. 

    I've tried finding an article that mentions what order is used, but I haven't been able to find anything. 

  • Joe McCune (Faithlife)
    Joe McCune (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 1,264
  • Maria
    Maria Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭

    Thank you, Joe!

    I received your email and have replied.